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more on NAMGBR

To: <>
Subject: more on NAMGBR
From: "Gary Lindstrom" <>
Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2006 10:55:11 -0700
I have had several replies to my message this morning about BMCU and NAMGBR
asking: "How do I find out more about NAMGBR?" "Why should I join?" "What do
I get, and what does it cost?" etc.  So, I'll burn up a bit more BMCU email
bandwidth with a follow up message.

Not being an MGB owner myself, all I know about the club is what I glean
from their web page, which is

Following the link About NAMGBR, I have learned that membership benefits
include a subscription to MGB Driver, a "bimonthly, handy size, 60 page
magazine", plus club events, a web site with member pages, etc.  Membership
is $30/year ($35/year overseas).  Applications are available from the web
site, or contact NAMGBR, P.O. Box 69, Eaton Rapids, MI 48827.  Phone/fax

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