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Re: Towing questions/answers

Subject: Re: Towing questions/answers
Date: Tue, 16 Aug 2005 01:40:51 EDT
In a message dated 8/15/2005 7:34:26 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

So,  here's the deal: #1500 tandem trailer and #3200 car + odds and  ends in  
the forward box = little less than #5000 gross trailer  weight. I'm  pulling 
with an '02 Suburban 1/2 ton. 
The factory hitch is rated at  #600 tongue weight and #5000 gross  trailer 

If I  position the car correctly and have tongue weight in the #250-350  
(using 5 to 10% gross trailer weight as tongue  weight) , should I be  OK ? 
The trailer has a moveable  front tire bar, so once I set it,  the weight 
distribution will be the same each  time I pull the car on  the trailer. OR, 
would I 
be much better off  getting a weight  distributing hitch?

Any other things to keep in  mind?

Mike, I made almost your exact tow in 2002. A late Camaro on an open  trailer 
with a 2002 Avalanche 1500 from San Jose, CA  to Topeka and back.  As you 
pointed out, the important thing is to get the tongue weight correct.  (closer 
10% than 5%) I have since switched to a box trailer and a  
weight-distributing hitch. Necessary for the Box, not too important for the  
open, lighter 
trailer. I added an extra Transmission cooler. Of course, my  Avalanche was 
new then. You should get the brakes checked to make sure you  have good linings 
left. (I don't know how many miles you have on them. I assume  you have good 
electric trailer brakes. Absolutely necessary! The factory hitch  is fine. Is 
your Suburban a 2WD or 4WD? It matters because the 2WD had load  carrying rear 
shocks. My Avalanche didn't (4WD didn't use them) But I have since  added 
them. They are Sachs built units with all internal controls to pump  themselves 
up to carry the extra weight. The Z66 Avalanche 2WD w/option used  them, as did 
most of the 2WD Suburbans. If you don't have them the load will  drop the 
rear of your truck. Watch out for headlight alignment! There are  special gages 
made to check tongue weight. 
 I found out one issue within California. With my 4.10 gears, the  truck 
didn't want to upshift into high until about 63 MPH. Running with the  trucks 
about 60-62, it sometimes would run in third. That kills gas mileage.  Out of 
California, I ran 65-70 at times, depending on the wind - crosswinds are  worse 
than headwinds! There are a few grades out of Salt Lake City and into  
Wyoming on 80 that are killers. The tow haul modes changes all of the  
and I usually ran with it on. At a few points outside of Denver  heading east I 
tried a bit faster speeds. At about 85 or so, the hood on the  Camaro (as 
viewed in the rear view mirror), came about 5 inches up from the  cowl. I was 
afraid of sending it off into the Colorado fields and slowed down.  The cross 
winds along there are legend! Have a good trip! Keep both hands  on the wheel!
Seth  Emerson
C's the day! Corvair, Camaro,  Corvette

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