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National Tour - Core Region Workers

To: "" <>
Subject: National Tour - Core Region Workers
From: Barry Chafin <>
Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2003 19:18:51 -0800
Hi, on-Line Autocrossers,

Dennis Armstrong and I, your co- Chairs, would like to begin by thanking
you for your support of the Atwater National Tour, scheduled May 1-3,

I'd also like to recognize the efforts of Pilar Miranda, who has secured
the Event Site and all the associated facilities and site
infrastructure, please join us in thanking Pilar for making this event

A team of professionals has stepped up to put on an event deserving of
the reputation earned by the San Francisco Region.

We've got Frank Stagnero designing the course and other nationally
recognized leaders signed up to contribute with Durk Edwards performing
the Role of Chief of Tech, Bryan Nemy and Chris McKinney, Chiefs of
Safety, Chris Cox, Tour Course Setup team herder, Teresa Nidel leading
our hospitality efforts and Pat Kelly, advertising.

The following work assignments are considered "core" and need to be
identified to the National Operations team this week:

Tech Workers (5 each) - these work assignments are distributed across
three shifts on Friday, 5/1/03 beginning at 10:00 am - 12:30, 12:30 -
3:00 and 5:00 ending @ 7:00 pm.  - once complete with your shift your
mandatory work assignment is complete for the event.

Tour Course Setup (3 each) - this effort will begin when Frank and Chris
decide but last year we were on site by 8:00 am.  Saturday's course must
be complete for safety review and adjustment by Friday, May 1 @ 5:00
pm.  With just a couple adjustments needing to be made Saturday between
4:40 and 6:00 pm for Sunday's course your mandatory work assignment is
complete for the event.

Liability Waiver (5 each) - the Region is responsible to staff this
position Friday, May 1 10:00 am - 8 pm, Saturday and Sunday 6:30 - 8:00
am.  This assignment, too, counts as your mandatory work assignment for
the event.

Test & Tune Course Operations (7 each) - the Region is responsible for
design, operations and tear down of the Test and Tune Course and will
receive free runs on the course in recognition of their efforts.  We
need seven (7) workers including someone to lead the effort beginning
Friday, 5/1/03 setup @ 9:00 am, beginning operations @ 11:00 am.  Tear
down will be done on Friday @ 3:00 pm.

Site clean-up Workers (2 each) - the Region needs two volunteers to keep
the site clean for the duration of the event, performing the task as
necessary.  This assignment counts as your mandatory work assignment is
complete for the event.

So, in summary, to stay on track with National's expectations of the
Region we'll need seventeen (17) additional volunteers this week.  For
those of you who've previously volunteered and aren't listed above,
please forgive me for not remembering the work position we talked about
(must be age :^)).

Since I'll be away from this e-Mail account I'd ask that you hit
"reply-all" and I'll apologize in advance to the masses who will suffer
through the barrage of e-Mails from countless volunteers ;^).


Barry -

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