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Crows Landing Airfield Autox

To: <>
Subject: Crows Landing Airfield Autox
From: "Jim Martin" <>
Date: Wed, 28 Aug 2002 18:58:56 -0700
I finally got the OK to have an autox at the old Crows Landing Naval Air
Station.  It only took 9 years of talking to everyone from Congressmen to
local Supervisors.

We get November 9-10 this year and if all goes well we can have about 18
weekends there for any club  next year.  AAS and SCCA will have priority on
dates but there should be plenty of weekends for all clubs.

The tentative plan is for an AAS event on Saturday and SCCA on Sunday with a
great party Saturday night at the local new Best Western hotel .

Continued use of this site depends on our economic impact to the area.  The
only real measure will be how many rooms (discounted to $55- for us) we use
each weekend so I hope everyone can stay at least Saturday night at the
Patterson Best Western.  The hotel has lots of parking.  A nice bar and large
restaurant and banquet room.

Bryan and Jesus are working hard on all of the many details of this event to
make it happen and be a great event for everyone!

im Martin

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