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Re: Points question from a Novice.

To: "Mark Smith" <>
Subject: Re: Points question from a Novice.
From: "Jerry Mouton" <>
Date: Wed, 14 Aug 2002 15:12:29 -0700
Hi, Mark,

I'm copying the bay area autox list, as there
are others who will want to know this info.

The simple rule is you get to drop one of your lowest
scores for each 4 events in the series.  We always drop the
lowest ones -- as you would.  This series we will drop 4.
There will only be 17 events in this year's Championship
series, then we start our second series, the Slush series.
Trophies will be awarded for both series.  So there will not be
a round 20 this year.

And we award all your drops af the end of the series, when
we award trophies.  The points pages drop an additional
event for each 4 we run, but this is just a way we represent it
to you to make it clearer where you stand -- as we see it.
It's unofficial until the end of the year.

An event you missed is scored -- as a 0.  If you missed
5 events, we'd drop the 4 worst -- 4 zeros.  One of the 13 scores
that would count is that fifth 0.

We award trophies to both people who end up tied.  We don't
try to resolve them.

This information is on the web page here:
And other places.

I guess the tie rule is not in the Supps, but this is how we
run the scoring, as approved by the Steering Committee.

I bet the Miata is a lot more fun!

Jerry Mouton                              "Laissez les bons temps rouler!"
----- Original Message -----
From: "Mark Smith" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, August 14, 2002 2:13 PM
Subject: FW: Points question from a Novice.

> -----Original Message-----
> Jerry,
> Pat pointed me in your direction as you seem to be the points/webstite
> I have 4 point drops so far this year (3 no shows and 1 lowly placed
> finish). After Round 17 will a 5th points drop occour? I couldn't figure
> when the 5th points drop would occour - round 17 or round 20.
> I'm just trying to figure out what my score will be at the end of the
> should I not run in the Novice 6 class at the next event.
> Would there be any way of explain this simple procedure to confused me so
> could figure out how to calculate my final points tally. If it would be
> easier a final score for the year assuming that I did not run in Novice 6
> would be great too!
> I'm not sure which is more fun - getting used to Autocrossing in a RWD
> instead of my old FWD del Sol or figuring out points!
> In the event of a tie at the end of the season how is the tie resolved?
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Mark Smith
> 66 GS-N (Novice 6)
> From: Pat Kelly []
> Sent: Wednesday, August 14, 2002 1:20 PM
> To: Mark Smith
> Subject: Re: Points question from a Novice.
> Mark,
>     I hope I can answer to your satisfaction. :) The basic premise is
> say, we had run 16 events, the worst four would be dropped. 17 events
> the same way. Your worst four will not count, either because you weren't
> there, or came in down in the points for the day. So a missed event can
> actually add one of your next best finishes to your score. How many events
> did you run" (I'm too lazy to look it up.) If you ran 13, then your score
> will be the same in total and adjusted columns. If you ran 14, then your
> worst score will be dropped (one event). We wouldn't take it to five drops
> until we get to 20 events for a series.
>     You might check with Jerry Mouton to make sure his formula works like
> what I describe. For him it's easy math, for me it's in English. :) His
> email address is:
>     On ties, I'm not sure, because it's rare, especially with an odd
> of events, but it can happen. I think Jerry has a tie-breaker in his
> so that the person with the best finishes, i.e., the most 1st, 2nds, etc.
> will place higher than the other person who didn't. If there is a real
> right down to the same number of same finishes, then there will be
> trophies awarded. Or there certainly should be! :)
>     Hope that doesn't cloud the issue!
> --Pat Kelly
> ----------
> >From: Mark Smith <>
> >To: 'Pat Kelly' <>
> >Subject: Points question from a Novice.
> >Date: Wed, Aug 14, 2002, 1:13 PM
> >
> > Pat,
> >
> > I'm not sure that you're the right person to ask, if you're not then if
> you
> > could point me in the right direction I'd be most appreciative.
> >
> > My question is regarding "points drops" and the total points for the
> season.
> > I'm currently running in Novice 6. As of round 16 I had 1620 points with
> > total of 1690. My question is, since there's a chance that I may not be
> able
> > to run in Novice 6 at the next event why would my points situation be?
> >
> > Would I drop my worst 5 scores for the year?
> >
> > Also, what happens in the event of tie in season points - Josh in 3rd
> place
> > has improved quite a bit and if he wins again then the scores for the
> > will be equal.
> >
> > Yes, I'm confused :) Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> > Mark Smith
> > Novice 6.

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