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Re: For Sale: WRX

Subject: Re: For Sale: WRX
Date: Sat, 20 Oct 2001 11:54:54 -0700
I don' think you would have a problem selling a WRX with less than 1000
miles on it for 23,000 since they are such a "hot" car right now.. the
dealers are marking them up insanely high...

post something to i-club,

and see what they think.. hell, I would buy it if I had the money.

good luck

:bryan medway
01 Neon ES

> Here's the dilamma.  Our late friend E.J. Bayliss bought a WRX several months
> ago, and now it needs to be sold in addition to her A/Stock MR-2.  I believe
> the car has less than 1000 miles on it, is a silver 5 speed, with rear
> spoiler, and CD I think.  Not sure what other options were available...  She
> had a payoff around $23,000.  Is the car sellable at that price?  Anyone
> interested?  Any info appreciated.
> Charlie Davis

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