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Nov. 11

To: "BayArea Team.Net" <>
Subject: Nov. 11
From: John Kelly <>
Date: Wed, 3 Oct 2001 15:48:58 -0400
The Network Associates Coliseum of Oakland, CA, (aka "The Net," and
formerly called "the Oakland Coliseum") called today to confirm we have an
event on Sunday, Nov. 11, 2001.
        Also confirmed are the Nov. 24 and Dec. 16 dates, at least for now.
        We had been concerned the altered Baseball and Football schedules
might affect our schedule.

The E.J. Bayliss Memorial Winter Series
(Also known as The Winter Slush Series)
Sept. 30        #1, Golden Gate Fields, Albany, CA.
Oct. 21         #2, Golden Gate Fields, Albany, CA.
Oct. 28         #3, Golden Gate Fields, Albany, CA.
Nov. 4          #4, Golden Gate Fields, Albany, CA.
Nov. 11         #5, Network Associates Coliseum, Oakland, CA.
Nov. 24         #6, SATURDAY, Network Associates Coliseum, 
                        Oakland, CA. TENTATIVE.
Dec. 16         #7, Network Associates Coliseum, Oakland, CA.

--John Kelly

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