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Great vid clip

To: <>
Subject: Great vid clip
From: "Mike Eynon" <>
Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2001 10:08:01 -0700
For those of you with lots of bandwidth... her is one of the better 'through
the windshield' racing videos I have ever seen.  Be warned... the entire
video is ~40mb, but well worth it.  You get about 13 minutes of incredible
racing between a street prepped Corvette, and a race prepped Lotus Elise.

Granted, the driver of the Elise drives the heck outta the car, and is
probably shifting 3 times more often than the Corvette... but DANG!  What a
car!  All of a sudden I better understand the controversy for which class
this little car should be in.

// Mike Eynon
// Chief Technology Officer
// OnTh Wireless
// "The Wireless Database Company"
// 1366 Bulb Ave
// Santa Cruz, CA  95062
// 831.588.2388 (cell)

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