A sort of same thing happened to John. He had the lead after the first
day, and they sent him the first place plaque.
He mailed it back, calling first (what is that 800?) to tell the lady
who keyed it all in. Seems she took the names off the first day
results... Of course the guy who really won won't be very happy until he
gets his. :)
--Pat Kelly
Scot Zediker wrote:
> Today, I finally got the plaque that goes on my National Tour trophy from
> San Diego. I saw the envelope, and got very excited, because now I could
> finally display my trophy alongside my regional trophies on the wall next to
> my desk.
> Anyway, I open the envelope, and, horror of horrors, the plaque credits me
> with FOURTH place in C Stock, rather than the third I actually scored (I
> checked it against the online results and my hard copy, which arrived about
> a month ago).
> Do I call Denver to get this rectified, or do I have to contact someone
> else?
> TIA,
> Scot
> '91 CS Miata (the silver one that went sideways on 3/18 in SD on its last
> run ;)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
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