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Pylon for April 2001

To: "BayArea Team.Net" <>
Subject: Pylon for April 2001
From: John Kelly <>
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2001 17:01:21 -0400
The April 2001 issue of North American Pylon was mailed to subscribers
yesterday, Wednesday,
April 18, 2001. It is now being transferred by our wonderful U.S. Postal
If you don't see your issue within 10 days--anywhere in the U.S. --please
fill out one of those postal complaint forms, Form number 4314-C, available
at all U.S. post offices.

This month we cover:
        The San Diego National Tour;
        The El Toro Marine Base Pro Solo;
        Virginia Motor Sports Club;s season opener;
        Tidewater SCC's Wintercross Four's second event;
        Atlanta Region's new site, and polished administration;
        Advance story on the CMC-RMR's Cheyenne, Wyoming, street solo;
        Tasha and Howard promoted;
        San Francisco Region's Round 4 at 3 Com Park, SF;       
        San Francisco Region does four events, Rounds 5, 6, 7, 8;
        Redwood SCC's event in Eureka, CA;
        Rule changes for Canadian National Championship;
        Las Vegas Region Attracts 87 entrants;
        Fresno Chapter (of SF Region) revives Castle Field site in Atwater,
        Arizona Region does a "Solo Odyssey."
        All of the above includes lots of pictures!

Plus columns by:
        George Ryan of Tulsa, OK, on perception SCCA classing is "unfair;"
        Brian Berlemann of Las Vegas, NV, recalls his old home town, Sierra
Vista, AZ;
        Editor John Kelly on "Speed Creep" at Nationals'
        Lorenzo the Scribe (Pittsburgh, PA) gets a handle on his Nissan 240
        Anthony Tabacco (Orinda CA) describes the "dilemma" of too many
        J.D. Kemp, the sage of Tallahassee, FL, "dances with cones;"
        Gary Armstrong of Bellingham, WA, offer Chapter 3 on his Beater;
        Ben Thatcher, Stockbridge, GA, loves Street Mod 1 and 2.
And our usual event calendar with several new independent clubs now listed,
And our Garage Sale has expanded a little bit, too. 

Check out our web page at: <www.napylon> and see the Three for Free deal.
To subscribe, Call 1-800-KT-KELLY 9-5 PDT, M-F, and
        Charge the $24 for 12 monthly issues to to Visa or MasterCard.

        Or, FAX your Visa or MC number to: (925) 846-0118, it operates
                Be sure to include your mailing address!

        Or, mail your $24 check or M.O to:
                North American Pylon
                P.O. Box 1203
                Pleasanton, CA 94566-0120.

The cost for Canadian subscriptions is $27.50 in U.S. Funds. Canadian bank
checks don't work with us so please use checks from a U.S. bank, use Visa
or MasterCard, or Canadian postal money orders.

This month we expanded North American Pylon to 28 tabloid pages.

--John Kelly, editor and publisher

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