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Re: Numbers, numbers, numbers

To: "Donald R McKenna" <>,
Subject: Re: Numbers, numbers, numbers
From: "Scot Zediker" <>
Date: Mon, 2 Apr 2001 20:06:30 -0700
Don McKenna sez:

> We have too many one-time newbees to be able to enforch that kind of
> requirement.
> So the next best thing, in my opinion, is employing the "art" of peer
> pressure.

I'm inclined to agree with Don here.  I announced at a recent event and
noticed a silver car with white numbers.  So I announced it as "so-and-so in
the XYZ car with stealth numbers!"  By this car's third run, the driver had
pulled the white stuff off his magnetic numbers (at least on one side of the

BTW, if you're reading this and don't have clearly visible numbers, please
please PLEASE make them so they can be read easily.  I work the trailer
almost all the time, and this is a real big deal.  You can get the magnetic
stuff at TAP plastics and paint it; that's what I did for my numbers and
class letters.


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