Since we had some Canadian drivers at the Nationals, I don't think SCCA
cares. I don't know about NASA though. I don't imagine they would care
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of Greg Umbay
> Sent: Thursday, October 19, 2000 8:45 PM
> To: Bay Area Autocross
> Subject: Driver's License
> --0-2142757034-972013515=:14854
> My friend just moved to California from Vancouver BC. He is
> interested in autoX, but has not obtained his CA drivers license.
> Will the NASA autocross events accept a Canadian driver's license?
> Will the SCCA accept a Canadian driver's license when applying
> for membership?
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> Street Touring -S
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> --0-2142757034-972013515=:14854
> <P>My friend just moved to California from Vancouver BC. He
> is interested in autoX, but has not obtained his CA drivers
> license. </P>
> <P>Will the NASA autocross events accept a Canadian driver's license?</P>
> <P>Will the SCCA accept a Canadian driver's license when applying
> for
> membership?</P><BR><BR><P>****************************************
> ****************<BR>Street Touring -S</P>
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> --0-2142757034-972013515=:14854--