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Re: Nats Turnout Numbers

To: <>, <>
Subject: Re: Nats Turnout Numbers
From: "Rocky Entriken" <>
Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2002 17:54:42 -0500
Curious where those numbers came from. Don't agree with mine. I count from
the official results (which I bring home a complete set), and I do not count
anyone who was DNS for the entire event. Yet I come up with 1107 total
instead of 1102.

Aha! He was counting entries, which totaled 1132, and he forgot F Modified!
Add another 25/5 to Dennis's tally (and a DNS made it 24/5).

Below are my numbers & other info, alongside Dennis's (nothing if we agree).
I'm not bothering with the percentages.

For the purposes of the discussion, either set of numbers works -- entries
or competitors. In fact, entries may be better because that is the only
number to go by until the competition actually happens, and for the purposes
under discussion that would be the only number available to make any
determinations. It is why trophy depth is based on entry, not actual
competitors. When I do my record book, in the 20/20 of hindsight, I count
actual competitors. But for decisions that must be made prior to the event,
entry count is the only data available.


----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, September 25, 2002 11:53 AM
Subject: Nats Turnout Numbers

> As an aside to the discussion on supplimental classes:
> Class Open  Ladies Total Percent
> CP      62    16     78    7.08% ~ 58/16 (4 DNS - Weeks, Perry, Beaird,
> ES      54    11     65    5.90% ~ 53/11 (Hartman DNS)
> SS      52    10     62    5.63% ~ 51/10 (Connell DNS)
> STS    50    11     61    5.54% ~ 49/11 (Rock DNS)
> CS      48    12     60    5.44% ~ 47/12 (Lane DNS)
> BS      46      5     51    4.63%
> GS      43      7     50    4.54%
> SM     43      6     49    4.45% ~ 39/6 (Antypas, Skinner, C.Noble,
G.Noble DNS)
> DS      39      5     44    3.99% ~ 37/5 (Licul, Tauber DNS)
> HS      37      5     42    3.81% ~ 36/5 (Tastad DNS)
> FSP    36      5     41    3.72% ~ 35/5 (Ruanto DNS)
> FS      31      7     38    3.45% ~ 30/7 (Brown DNS)
> CM     31      3     34    3.09% ~ 30/3 (Garry DNS)
> CSP   29      4     33    2.99% ~ 27/4 (Redlack, Tatum  DNS)
> DSP   30      3     33    2.99%
> ESP   28      2     30    2.72%
> F125   27     2     29    2.63% ~ 25/2 (Minehart, Skillicorn DNS)
*  FM      ************************   ~ 24/5 (Cave DNS)
> AS      21     7     28    2.54%
> ASP   23      5     28    2.54%
> SM2   23      5     28    2.54%
> BSP   21      6     27    2.45%
> DP     20      6     26    2.36%
> AM     23     2     25    2.27% ~ 22/2 (Schmidt DNS)
> ---       proposed sundown level      -----
> DM     23     1     24    2.18%
> STX    22     1     23    2.09%
> EP     19     4     23    2.09%
> EM     17     2     19    1.72%
> FP      13     3     16    1.45%
> BM     13     3     16    1.45%
> BP      10     0     10    0.91% ~ 9/0 (Ennis DNS)
> AP        7     2     9     0.82%
>             Total:      1102
> DG

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