Welcome to the club; I'm on my second MR2 now. The first place to look
Actually, you might should find Randy Chase. His MR2 is one of the
fastest ES cars in the country, and still for sale, I think. I'm not sure
why you'd want to limit yourself to 93+, but his is a '91.
Speaking of which, we're ES now. CS MR2s are Spyders.
Toyota only built about 20,000 5S-FE powered MR2s ( compared with
100,000 3S cars ) and two-thirds of those are MY1991. I like them enough
that I'm trying to figure out how many are left, via the mk2 Registry at
If you ( or anyone else ) happen to get your hands on the VIN of any
1991-1999 MR2s during your search, I'd appreciate it if you could drop me
a line with that information, or just enter them in my database at the
above URL. The more details the better, but even just a VIN is fine,
especially if it has been totalled.
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