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Re: New to the list/attn: non-scca rules

To: <>
Subject: Re: New to the list/attn: non-scca rules
From: "George Ryan" <>
Date: Fri, 23 Feb 2001 06:33:07 -0600

I have written a series of articles about a type of Solo called Driving Skills
Challenge (Solo DSC - which is a copyrighted name, BTW) in North American

A number of months ago during a flame war on this list I was challenged
(dared??) to come up with a viable set of rules to eliminate the classing
hassle, give every competitor an equal chance - no matter what he drove (no
car of the moment here!!) - eliminate the multiple and complex  rules that
seem to be written for the sole purpose of being protest bait, and be equally
or more fun than Solo II. I think that all of the above requirements have been
accomplished by DSC.

If you don't subscribe, and can't find the August to current issues of NAP, I
would bet the Kelly's could find some for you. I am sending a Cc: to Pat
Kelly, she should be able to help.

If this form of competition interests you after you have read the articles,
please feel free to contact me for further details.

George Ryan


> On 22 Feb 2001 at 5:21:08 PM
> Seth Achilles wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> <snip>
> Quick question. For those of you that compete in non-scca
> sanctioned events, could you point me in the direction of your rules.
> Our club is in the midst of having a third set of rules(in three years)
> put in place for the next season. We've avoided SCCA rules
> because we have found them a bit complex for our little club. We
> would end up having one car in every class. I'm curious to hear how
> other independant clubs classify their cars. If any one is curious,
> our web site is We are currently doing Ice trials, if
> there is any interest on the list. Directions are on the site.
> Thanks in advance.
> Seth


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