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Re: NEED SM2 info

To: Jeff Lloyd <>,
Subject: Re: NEED SM2 info
Date: Thu, 18 Jan 2001 13:09:18 -0500
> Dennis, and all,  I would like to offer SM2 as a pilot program in my
region..  > does anyone have a semi valid pax figure for this class?  and a
list of
> rules, are we just changing the exclusion list? and allowing previously
> banned cars from competing? or are we also abolishing the displacement
> figures? I remember some talk about allowing supercharged pony cars that
> previously were banned from SM

SM2 is, in a nutshell, all the RULES from SM, with the entry requirements
inverted, more or less.

So it's open to:

     a) 2 seaters (with the same SM displacement/turbo limits)
     b) vehicles from the exclusion list, including underweight cars (with
the          SM displacement/turbo limits)
     c) Otherwise SM-legal vehicles with motors in excess of the
             SM displacement/turbo limits

As far as the weight limits go, I'm suggesting that catagory C cars retain
the SM weight limits, and catagory A and B cars get limits 200lbs lower
than that in SM-classic (to allow for the generally lighter nature of
2-seaters) but I think you'll still want to retain a weight limit for class
parity reasons.

Catagory C cars are to retain the SM weight limits instead of the lighter
SM2 limits to allow their movement into SM if performance data suggests
that movement is not counter to class parity issues.

Note that all other SM rules stay in effect, so motor required to be from
the same manufacturer as a manufacturer of a motor factory-available in
that car, etc. are in effect. SM2 isn't "run whacha brung" either - it's
"SM preparation rules for sportscars and other oddballs"

I'll be adding a summary of the propsed SM rules onto
Real Soon Now.

Note that I have it from Howard Hisself that SM2 must be a bottom-up
progression, instead of top-down like SM and ST[S|R] was. No Regional
Support == no National class.


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