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Re: Does anyone care about Pro Solo

To: "TEAM.NET" <>
Subject: Re: Does anyone care about Pro Solo
From: "Mark J. Andy" <>
Date: Sat, 23 Dec 2000 16:56:37 -0500 (EST)

On Fri, 22 Dec 2000, Randy Chase wrote:
> Heyward, I kinda figured I am alone in this, but for me, the season is
> the Pro. My intention last year was to do well in the Pro, and that was
> the main reason for driving to Topeka, to capture the CStock ProSolo
> championship. 

I don't think you're alone.  Or at least I'll keep you company... :-)

I really like that the Pro championship is points based so that you have
to do well over a longer period of time to win it, environmental stuff is
less likely to intrude, etc.

I also like the format better, but that's a different thing altogether.

What'd be neat is if regular solo worked the same way, with Tours giving
points and Nationals being important enough that you had to do well to win
the championship, but not necessarily have to win it.



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