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RE: swing axles (was firestone news)

To: <>
Subject: RE: swing axles (was firestone news)
From: "Bruce Haden" <>
Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2000 12:11:41 -0700
 Our very sport has proven that ANY vehicle can be rolled over, given the
 correct circumstances.  Yes, the Explorers and all small SUV's are high CG
 vehicles, with large tires and fairly short wheelbases.  The wrong reaction
 to a highway incident can and will cause a rollover, just as the wrong
 reaction to a spin in autocross can also cause one.


 There is a risk to driving down the highway at 80mph, and that risk is
 increased if you are in a high CG vehicle and have the poor driving skills
 that many drivers have, however is that the fault of the company that sold
 the vehicle?


 Bases on the information that I have seen regarding the Firestone tires,
 there is a problem with said tires.  Congressional hearings won't help
 remedy this problem, neither will new laws.  Market forces can and will
take care of this problem.  Do you think Firestone has sold many new tires
since this happened? We shouldn't let our opinions against "SUV's" lull us
into letting the government be involved in more of our lives.

I was in Sears buying a set of Michelins Sunday and asked the salesman
(with slight sarcasm)how his Firestones were selling. He laughed and
asked me if I would like to TAKE a set? I declined. No government
"solution" needed here!!

BTW -  This message appears non auto-x related, but is in response to all
the "anit-SUV" content on the list.  Just expressing my opinion all at once

I'm not against SUVs per-se, but I have problems with some of the people
who drive them. I'm sure that topic could keep us all busy at the keyboards
for the rest of the year.

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