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Re: OSP email list

To: "Rick Brown" <>
Subject: Re: OSP email list
From: Doug Miller <>
Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2000 19:20:54 -0600
At 04:47 PM 9/26/00 -0700, Rick Brown wrote:

>Don't think all this is necessary.  Just have your local group add the class
>to your local regs. Two rules: DOT tires and current license, done deal.  No

For some regions, at some times, this ain't trivial. Such comments as "You 
can't just create classes". "That violates Safety", etc. were heard by me
personally a few years ago. 
More recently our managment is a LOT more friendly, but I suspect that this 
isn't universal everywhere.

So I snipped the rest of your post so as to be polite on the list. Can I get
your permission to cross post this to the osp list? Put it on a possible
future website?

One thought I had was to get nationals to acknowledge the fact that this is 
a popular regional class, that many regions have.
That acknowledgement will help those folks in local regions get the class 

thanks again,
Doug Miller

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