Well, I must say that the ProSolo Format is very
exciting! I thoroughly enjoyed having my rear end
kicked around the course. I am still confused about
the bumping in the Mod class (or any class for that
matter). It seems unrealistic for an emod car to have
to run bmod car times to compete but what the heck.
The level of competition is fierce but watching
everyone running around helping their fellow
cometitors get things gathered up before a run was
really heart warming.
I especially liked watching the challenges. Single
elimination and your out really made for some exciting
Just wanted to thank the National Staff and all the
local Utah crowd for putting on a very fun and
exciting event.
I'll definately do one again but probably not in a Mod
car that has to run B-Mod factor (unless I buy a B-Mod
Don (7th out of 7 and gridded in spot 13, not lucky
numbers) Miller
69 Turbo V-6 Roadster
Snake River Region Divisional August 12-13, MHAFB,
form at http://www.geocities.com/turbospl311
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