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Re: Roll Bar, REhashed..

To: David Teague <>
Subject: Re: Roll Bar, REhashed..
From: Jamie Sculerati <>
Date: Thu, 2 Dec 1999 09:08:06 -0500 (EST)
On Thu, 2 Dec 1999, David Teague wrote:

> OK Since I think I understand, I have afew more questions, I will be using
> this in the stock class. The person who is desinging the Roll bar also has a
> bar that runs strait across to provide a mounting place for racing belts,
> the attachment points for the racing belt ar the same as the would be for
> the roll bar, and would have to be welded into the b pilliar of my del sol
> Here is a link with a picture this is actually all part of a bolt in roll
> cage with the only welded part being the 2 mounting points previously
> mentioned.

The way I read the book, welding anything solid to the B-pillar isn't
legal in Stock.  Harness bars are restricted to telescoping devices to
prevent them from acting as chassis stiffeners.  Roll bars/cages have to
be attached to or through the floorpan -- and any additional attachment to
a pillar would automatically make the structure a cage, which must be
bolted.  I'm not sure you'd want to do that anyhow.

Of course, you can weld a harness bar into the roll bar structure, so long
as it's not attached to anything else.

'92 Prelude Si
Speed Demon Racing

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