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Re: DTN '99!

Subject: Re: DTN '99!
From: John Lieberman <>
Date: Mon, 19 Jul 1999 19:43:30 -0500
Way to go, bro!  I knew you could do it.  See ya in Topekee and, yes,
I'll have the Community coffee!!!

John (Old Fartz & TLS #37) Lieberman wrote:
> Dear Friends:
> I returned from a bit of a "Road Trip" last night, checked my phone messages,
> and heard Miss Chris Moore's recorded message that I'd won the 99 DTN contest.
> GREAT way to come home, lemme tell ya!  I have Waaaaayy  too many "Thank 
> due to people for posting to the list, but I have to name a few...  Bear with
> me!
> Thanks to Katie, who started it all.  I thought it was a jolly good one, 
> my arse off reading her postings, and I'll be darned, it WORKED!!!  Katie, 
> written words, I think, set the tone for the whole contest, and suited me to a
> "T" (That'd be a "T Series" MG!).  Thanks to NAP for printing my mass of
> scribblings along the way.  Thank you, Kelly family.
> Mike B and the TLS gang, who recognized a "kindred spirit" and took me under
> their (duct taped, slightly tattered) wing.  I don't know why I never got into
> TLS before this, definitely "my bad."  (Hey, like THAT's a new thing!?!?!)
> Thanks to all of you.
> To JK, Chris, Karl, Carl, Bill, and the ENTIRE Dixie Region Gang.  Ya'll are
> family, always will be.  Thank you.  Can't wait to SEE YOU, Jackson!!!  (Think
> we can keep the ol' girl running for TWO DAYS?)  Miss Chris, thanks for your
> "special efforts" in turning out votes.  Thanks to Betsy and "Big" Dick, in
> Atlanta, for your support, too.  Love you all...  I mean, Love YA'LL!
> Thanks to the LV Region, all my new friends in the desert.  Tom, thanks for 
> scandalous web page.  That'll teach ME to make jokes with the web-meister, 
> it?  And thanks to guys like Gene and Rick, for making me part of the group.
> (This is starting to sound like an Academy award speech, isn't it????  Now, if
> only it was some starlet with big....  uh, Blue Eyes making the speech...  Oh
> well, just a few more things...)
> THANK YOU to TEAM.NET, for choosing to send Lucretia to Nationals!!!  To my 
> competitors, Mssrs. Meissner and Moon, congratulations on being nominated, and
> you guys are GREAT, it was fun "campaigning" against ya'll.  I hope both of 
> get nominated and chosen in the next few years.  You deserve it, guys, honest.
> I think we should some day try out Paul Cz's suggestion we share a Scotch.
> (I'll have a beer, thank you, but you get the idea.)
> **Last, but FOR SURE not least, thanks to all the British Dogs, who have kept 
> going for a lot of years.**
> Hey, I gotta get to work now.  I thank all of you again.  If I left out 
> I should have named, blame it on it being early out here, and at my age I have
> trouble remembering MY name some days.  (What was I saying??  Oh, yeah...)  
> by and visit at Topeka, I look forward to meeting all my friends at Team.Net.
> NOW, I'll get back to being my usual anything-but-serious self!  Onwards and
> sidewards, chaps!
> JD Kemp &
> "Lucretia MacEvil" #13 MGB  (currently awating arrival of a new starter!)

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