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RE:Timing Truck

Subject: RE:Timing Truck
Date: Tue, 6 Jul 1999 23:43:11 EDT
        I thought that I would tell of what we went through last year in our 
quest for a replacement to our Timing Trailer/Cone Hauler.  We were in need 
of replacing our Trailer.  It is not very large (one 2000 pound axle), and it 
is getting old.  So, our club set out to either purchase a new trailer or 
something else.  We looked at every type of double axle trailer there is and 
all types of configurations for the placement of windows.  The cheapest that 
we could come up with was a little under $7000.  So, we started to look at 
alternatives.  We came up with a 74 Dodge Sportsman 1 ton Motorhome.  The 
Motorhome has only 68,000 miles on it and we picked it up for $4000.  The 
built in table and seats, with the windows all around has made it very easy 
to set things up permanently and to have everything plugged in and left that 
way from event to event.  We use a computer run timing system.  The table in 
back houses the computer system, while the front seats house the announcer 
and the manual time writer.  This system has worked out very well for us.  It 
has left our small trailer to be used for cones and the motorhome is the tow 
vehicle for the trailer.

        The major problem that we where having was getting the club trailer 
to the event.  Not many of the members had a vehicle available to tow the 
trailer.  The ones that did, usually where the ones that had to tow their 
vehicles to the event.  So, with the Motorhome we have eliminated the need 
for the tow vehicle.  All that is needed is an extra person to drive it to 
the event on the morning of the event.  This is easily done by having a 
husband and wife team or two friends that CO-drive.  We have made a few 
modifications to the Motorhome as in building in a few extra shelves for the 
computer system, but everything else fits into the storage bins already built 
into the Motorhome.

Hope this helps in opening up a few other choices in getting a new Timing 

Paul "to the floor" Poore
Crown Autocross Club

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