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DTN Blurb, too long, needs a good editor...

To:, Paul Czarnecki <>
Subject: DTN Blurb, too long, needs a good editor...
Date: Tue, 29 Jun 1999 10:01:04 -0700
Dear Team.Net:

Paul Cz has asked me (Twice now!) to write a blurb to introduce myself to you
all.  Risky as that sounds, I'll put something down in a minute here.  First, I
want to say a Serious Thing, believe me, that's a rare occurrence, but here
goes:  I haven't seen the write-ups on all the nominees, but I have seen
articles about Mssrs. Moon and Meissner.  (Forgive any misspellings of names,
please.)  They both sound like really cool guys, assets to autocross and to
Team.Net and great choices for the DTN.  I'm honored to be mentioned in the same
group.  Thanks for considering me, and congratulations to Moon and Meissner for
being nominated --  You deserve it, guys!  As did, I'm sure, all the other
nominees that I haven't caught names for yet.

Now, why should I go?  I polled a select group of friends, journalists, British
Dogs, and crazed C/P drivers and come up with quite a few suggestions.  I've
boiled it down to a basic list of reasons as follows:

The Official "Reasons to Elect JD Kemp for '99 DTN" TOP TEN LIST

(Shameless Self Promotion R Us!)

10.  Maybe he'll finally buy some REAL muffler hangers, and ditch
     the coat hanger wire.
9.   Course workers may claim any parts falling off Lucretia during
     competition runs.  (Free Nats Souvenirs!  Might be coat hangers.)
8.   Send JD to Nats, so he'll (finally) get some NEW material for
     Pylon articles.  (Downside: The article might be about YOU!)
7.   Lucretia could mark "the line" on course for those behind her!
     (How many quarts of Castrol would THAT require?)
6.   If he hits a pylon, you get to see him run to JK Jackson and
     say, "Forgive me, Father, for I have coned."
5.   Maybe he'll get invited to ride on the C/P Bus...
     (JD & Berger -- Twin Moons!  Talk about a "Down" side!)
4.   He'll add depth to the class, so maybe you'll get a trophy!
3.   His very presence there will PO the really serious drivers.
2.   Ever heard him sing his original lyical composition "The
     Cover of the Grassroots Rag"?

And the current favorite for #1...

If you send JD and Lucretia, ya don't have to worry that the "DTN" guy will
outrun YOU!

**Special Note**
I had originally thought about driving Lucretia to Topeka, and one entry on the
Top Ten sent to the "British Dogs" mentioned that notion.  As romantic as that
concept sounds, I don't think my tushie is up for quite THAT much romance.
AND, since Arie Villasol drove his KillerB from the CA Bay Area to Topeka
in '97, any such tour on my part would only be a pale imitation of Mr. V,
and he does not deserve to have his record diluted.  (Besides all that, my
Gene offered to loan me his trailer!)

Thanks!  Hope to see ya'll in Topeka!

JD Kemp &
"Lucretia MacEvil" #13 MGB

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