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Re: DSM problem

Subject: Re: DSM problem
From: "Fedja Jeleskovic" <>
Date: Tue, 30 Mar 1999 15:00:12 -0500

>Sunday at a local warm-up event, I was coming through a left-hand sweeper
>speed (~40-45mph) when a HUGE 'shuddering' occurred, like the tire was
>over (very high rate of vibration, not in the steering wheel either).  It
>so violent that I remember looking at the side view mirrors shaking so bad
>that I couldn't see any images in the driver's side. I am running on new,
>shaved R1s on the front (that's where I think the vibration was coming

What this could be is that you where riding on your bump stops. Stock DSM
suspension is relatively stiff, but when you push it for real with a good
tires in the turn while you braking, it will bottom out. We have very
little travel space over there and you will have to be very careful if you
are planning to lover your car in the future. I have 450/300 springs in my
car at the moment (my winter/rain package) and even with the stock height
that I had whole winter, my car will bottom out sometime. This is almost
twice as stiff compare to stock springs (265/155-165) and still was not

Have fun


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