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Re: Course design/speed limits

To: Rocky Entriken <RENTRIKEN/0003006623@MCIMAIL.COM>
Subject: Re: Course design/speed limits
From: Byron Short <>
Date: Sat, 27 Mar 1999 13:48:25 -0700
Very well said, Rocky, and I agree completely.

If a region *plans* a 70mph (for the fastest S and SP cars) course, then 
they are IMHO beyond the scope of the rules.  The SEB has occasionally 
handed out hand slaps to regions habitually in this area.  I seem to 
recall at least one case where a region was prohibited from running 
events for a period as punishment for exceeding the rulebook intentions.


Rocky Entriken wrote:
> > ...what do most folks consider 'normally' to be?
> I'd consider it to be what you intended and expected the speeds to be, based
> on your vast experience in the sport, but it allows for the midjudgment that
> finds a car going closer to 70 but that if it is otherwise deemed a safe
> configuration you don't have to stop the event and redesign the course to 
> it into compliance.
> IOW, you don't use that as a loophole to push the envelope, but as an escape
> hatch when your good intent to design a 60 mph max didn't work out that way.
> --Rocky
> /.

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