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RE: San Diego Tour

To: "''" <>
Subject: RE: San Diego Tour
From: Richard Pilfold <>
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 1999 11:38:37 -0800
Richard Pilfold -C.S.C.C.  BSP 240Z

> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent: Monday, March 22, 1999 10:05 AM
> To:
> Cc:
> Subject:      Re: San Diego Tour
> writes:
> > How about a description of the course at San Diego. Give us some
> idea
> >  of speeds, flow of the course,and use of cones (many or few) gates
> or
> >  mini road course.
> I think most of us would be happy just to see some *results*  :-)
> M Sipe
> San Diego 3-21-99
> Weather perfect
> Start - accelerate hard - 2nd gear - touch brake - 90 right 90 left -
> foot on floor
> long series of 5 offset gates - 3rd gear after 2nd gate - foot on
> floor - lift just a 
> tiny bit at 4th gate ( and wish you hadn't) - real brave, flat thru
> 5th gate - brake
> hard - 2nd gear - left 170 uphill accel hard out thru left kink -
> touch brake 80 
> right, accel hard uphill - flat thru left kink into 3 cone slalom -
> 1st cone passenger
> side - lift slightly at cone 2, accel hard past cone 3 - medium brake
> into left 180
> accel hard out, flat thru left kink gate - brake hard into sharp off
> camber  
> "button hole" 180 , hold in tight,accel out -flat out thru 3 gate
> slalom - brake into
> downhill left 90 - foot on floor down hill, brake - right 80 - accel -
> brake - left 100
> foot on floor - right kink - finish line..
> Then you realise it was so exhilarating, with adrenaline pumping at a
> zillion 
> gallons per hour and you stopped breathing for the whole 60 seconds,
> and you
> can hardly wait to do it all again.
> God!! I love autocrossing

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