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Re: Port-installed parts (Toyota Camry)?

To: Craig Blome <>
Subject: Re: Port-installed parts (Toyota Camry)?
From: Matt Murray <>
Date: Wed, 17 Mar 1999 16:02:51 -0500
FWIW, SET (South East Toyota) and Gulf States have been doing PIO (Port
Installed Options) for years. That's why any Toyotas in these two regions will
always cost more than the rest of the country. CAT (Central Atlantic Toyota used
to do this too, but TMS (Toyota Motor Sales, USA) bought them out about five
years ago.

Craig Blome wrote:

> also says "the company is talking with independent
> distributors Southeast Toyota and Gulf States Toyota about port
> installation of the kits, which could increase volume."  Where does
> port installation fall in stock class rules?
> Craig Blome

Matt Murray

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