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RE: Turbo DSM vs. AWD in G Stock

To: "joe goeke" <>
Subject: RE: Turbo DSM vs. AWD in G Stock
From: "Fedja Jeleskovic" <>
Date: Tue, 26 Jan 1999 12:09:42 -0500
I guess everything depends how you drive it. Can you say that you did a lot
of sub 2.0 short times with that clutch? Or, sub 1.9s or even sub 1.8s?

It is a lot of fun to launch the car with a good short time, so if you can
keep your foot off the gas, than your clutch will last as well. There are
lots of DSMs though with original clutches with over 100k.

Have fun!

95 AWD
#34 ESP

"joe goeke" <> on 01/25/99 09:16:08 PM

Please respond to "joe goeke" <>

To:   "'Phil Ethier'" <>,,
cc:    (bcc: Fedja Jeleskovic/PicTel)
Subject:  RE: Turbo DSM vs. AWD in G Stock

Yep, my 84 4000 Q had 175K on it with the original clutch, and I auto-xed
for 4 years!

Team Butt Heat
GS Audi A4 Quattro

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Phil Ethier []
> Sent: Monday, January 25, 1999 9:19 PM
> To: joe goeke;;
> Subject: Re: Turbo DSM vs. AWD in G Stock
> From: joe goeke <>
> >We've found the A4 clutch to be quite durable.  We normally
> don't smell
> >anything ;-) as long as we launch correctly to not overpower
> or "spin" it
> on
> >Pro launches.
> My Quantum Syncro has 120,000 miles on it.  My parts car has
> 246,000 miles
> on it.  Near as I can tell, they each have the factory
> clutch.  Guess those
> Audi guys like to build tough clutches.
> Phil Ethier    Saint Paul  Minnesota  USA
> Lotus Europa, VW Quantum Syncro, Chev Suburban

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