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Re: Had fun in CM!

Subject: Re: Had fun in CM!
From: huronmountain <>
Date: Thu, 25 Sep 2003 19:46:14 -0700 (PDT)
--- wrote:
> Hey guys!  ...and gals!
> I just wanted to say that I had a great time in
> Topeka and look forward 
> to a future in CM.
> Cheers!
> Ty

I have really enjoyed my short time in CM as well. 
This was my second time at Nationals and it was much
more fun with tires that actually grip.  :-)  I was
very inspired last year by Tommy and Stuart and was
disappointed that they weren't in CM again this year. 
I was really looking forward to running with them
again.  If Tommy and Stuart are still on the list it
was nice seeing you again and congrats on the BM
performance.  Having Mark Daddio run with us was
awesome, I hope he comes back and runs CM again next
year.  Being a 1/10 of a second behind him in second
place after the first day was a real high point for
me, I just wish I drove better the next day.  :-P  It
was very inspiring to be running against such a great
driver.  (Not that this class isn't full of them

I hope to be able to attend Nationals next year, my
wife is pregnant and due in the spring.  She has
already made me promise to cut my season back next
year.  There are so many things I have learned just
from this Nationals, I really hope I get a chance to
put them to use.  Thanks to my brother Don for letting
me co-drive and for introducing me to autocross and
showing me the ropes, and also to Gary Godula for the
help and inspiration he has provided.  Although I wish
Gary would show up for more events.  :-)  These last
couple of years autocrossing have been really great, I
only wish I had started sooner.  Hope to see you all
next year at Nationals.

Steve Elzinga

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