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Re: Chrysler Pentastar

Subject: Re: Chrysler Pentastar
Date: Tue, 11 Jul 2000 18:03:05 -0800 wrote:

> I believe all Series V's had them. My first Alpine V which was B395000541
> had
> one on the lower front right fender.
> Paul wrote: mine either  #14649
> Michael wrote: not mine  B395010895
> Let me add that my B385018417 DID!
> I'm willing to bet that Pauls and Michaels were removed and filled at some
> point.  Sorry guys.
> Jay

Mine, B395010466, does not have a Pentastar.  This car has been in the 
family since 1969 and was not, I am pretty sure, repainted prior to 
then. The fender is not drilled for one either.  (were the pentstar 
emblems attached by adhesive, or through holes in the fender?)


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