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RE: [6pack] insurance recommendations

To: jimjcmo@yahoo.com, grant@bowtie6.com, dncullig@us.ibm.com,
Subject: RE: [6pack] insurance recommendations
From: "Jay Welch" <jay_welch@juno.com>
Date: Mon, 13 Aug 2007 15:29:59 GMT
I've had Grundy for 6 driving seasons...no issues but no claims either.  I
think they are all pretty much the same but I did find it difficult to find a
complete list of "rules" both through Grundy's web site as well as via various
emails back and forth with a rep.

What I remember at the time was:

 - no driving to work
 - one driver
 - locked garage
 - occasional pleasure driving
 - mileage didn't seem to be an issue

Jay in MA
1973 TR6
Member CCBCC

-- Jim Jones <jimjcmo@yahoo.com> wrote:
I ran into the "intended use" issue when I first talked to Hagerty. I told
them I might occasionally drive my car to work in nice weather - a 10 mile
round trip. They balked at that. Truthfully, I don't see the difference of
doing that versus driving a 200 mile weekend trip. What a load of hogwash!

  I have not yet contacted JC Taylor, but I may save myself the aggrivation.
Has anyone worked with Grundy? I suspect they probably won't be much

  I admit to having a distrust of insurance companies in general, so my
attitude may reflect that view.

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