It's hard to diagnose a problem over the internet that manifests itself
as a sound . That being said, the layshaft (countershaft) needle
bearings make some strange noises as they fail. Anything from high
pitched squealing to a sound like gravel crunching in the transmission.
I would pull it and inspect the internals before driving the car
further. If it is the layshaft needle bearings breaking up, continuing
to drive it will destroy not only the layshaft, but the countershaft
gear (1st & reverse) as well, which is expensive. A complete DIY rebuild
would be cheaper.
Ask me how I know about this...
Jim Davis
Fortson, GA
-----Original Message-----
From: [] On
Behalf Of Mark Creamer
Sent: Sunday, June 22, 2003 5:59 PM
Subject: RE: ominous tranny noise
Guys, does this make sense? I took the rear wheels off, and the first
thing I noticed was my right rear seemed way too tight. So I adjusted it
back, and with the wheels off, went back to my investigating. In gear
with the wheels off, it's pretty quiet. I don't hear the grinding
So I put the wheels back on, and took the car down the driveway. As soon
as I got back in gear, the noise was back - sort of a grinding popping
sound, like when gears aren't meshing properly.
Richard suggested possibly a broken gear, which seems likely, but would
that be more noticeable on the road as opposed to on the jacks? Just a
difference in the weight being supported on the axles vs by the frame on
the jack stands I suppose?