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Re: Balanced / Blueprinted?

To: mbullard <mbullard@hawaii.rr.com>
Subject: Re: Balanced / Blueprinted?
From: Don Malling <dmallin@attglobal.net>
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2003 20:57:11 -0500
Hi Mark, 

Get a copy of Kastner's Competition Preparation Manual (TRF $5 to $8).
will convince you to increase the Compression Ratio (9.5:1 for 93 octane
at Sea Level??) and get a better cam. There's more possible but those
are the biggies. More than that in Kastner's book too. Also David
Vizard's "Tuning Standard Triumph's" It's on the web as a pdf. Scan for
(Vizard "Tuning Standard Triumphs").  

Seems I remember yours being a PI? 

Don Malling 

mbullard wrote:
> Aloha All,
> Well I searched the archives hoping not to share my ignorance but couldn't
> find the answer.
> A couple of weeks ago, I shared my compression tests with you all and have
> since discovered that I need a valve job. I am thinking about having the
> whole engine rebuilt and would appreciate you thoughts on that. The car has
> about 82k miles on it.
> What I am curious about, is if I go ahead and do the whole engine, what is a
> balanced and blueprinted engine? I've heard the terms many times but don't
> really understand what they mean or if this is just part of having an engine
> rebuilt?
> I am interested in increasing the power but the car will only be used as a
> driver.  I don't have any desire to build a race car. Suggestions on changes
> to the engine that I might make while I'm at it would be appreciated also.
> Thanks,
> Mark
> '74 TR6
> Kailua, HI

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