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RE: X-rays [was Flywheel lightening, before and after]

To: "'Shane Ingate'" <hottr6@hotmail.com>, rsh17@msn.com
Subject: RE: X-rays [was Flywheel lightening, before and after]
From: Mark Hooper <mhooper@pix-cinema.com>
Date: Thu, 20 Feb 2003 10:26:42 -0500
Do the Vet's walls glow after the sort of exposure necessary to xray an
engine block? What about the vet? The dogs? What do English sheepdogs look
like after hair falls out? Has anybody ever actually seen what's under that
fur? Does your friend now operate without needing an assistant since he has
4 arms? Inquiring minds want to know... ;^) 

(Damn, got to cut down on the coffee again)


-----Original Message-----
From: Shane Ingate [mailto:hottr6@hotmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, February 20, 2003 9:39 AM
To: rsh17@msn.com
Cc: 6 Pack
Subject: X-rays [was Flywheel lightening, before and after]

Richard Seaton asked:

    > Any ideas on where I could get it x-rayed like Shane mentioned?

I've had all sorts of stuff x-rayed at a friendly vet clinic.  I'm not a
radiologist, don9t know if their machines can take pictures of big stuff
like flywheels, nor am I any good at interpreting the pictures, but I have
seen fracture areas and voids in ceramics and smaller metal objects.

I'm sure there are industrial facilities like this, especially around
power-plants and defense-related industries.

Shane Ingate in Maryland

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