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Splines & UJs.

To: "2000-Register (E-mail)" <2000-register@autox.team.net>,
Subject: Splines & UJs.
From: Davies William-qswi646 <William.M.Davies@motorola.com>
Date: Mon, 26 Feb 2001 10:50:54 -0000
Over the weekend I started work on the rear end of my wife's 1968 Mk1 2000.
Having extracted the lefthand driveshaft, I will be replacing the universal
joints. Are these UJs the same as any of the TRs, as a friend has soem TR6
items available? If anyone has manufacturers numbers (HArdy Spicer I assume)
I would be grateful. Also, what grease is recommended for the splines? These
are in good order, and I'd like to keep them that way,

                            This Message sent by: 
   /                  \     William Davies 
  /                    \    Total Triumph Enthusiast 
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