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RE: Sod's Law (Murphy's in US)

To: 2000 Register <2000-register@autox.team.net>,
Subject: RE: Sod's Law (Murphy's in US)
From: Gernot Vonhoegen <gernot.vonhoegen@stir.ac.uk>
Date: Wed, 7 Jul 1999 17:08:06 +0100

        <Well, anyway, I have had trouble (through times) fitting the two
        <parts in-car, and when I have taken the parts out, they have fitted
like a
        <glove.... Strange how much more difficult things get when you're on
        <back under your car with some oil and dirt in the corner of your
eye, isn't
        <it? Hehe...

Seems to be common experience, happened to me as well.
Are you by any means referring to the to the dirt that you could see
dropping down and in trying to avoid it getting into your eye you quickly
moved the head, only to bang it on the exhaust and getting in the end twice
as much dirt in the eye? 

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