Guidelines please. I've recently acquired a spin-on oil filter adaptor from
Chris Witor together with four FRAM filters PH 2895. They're quite long
ones - about 5 inches.
I invested in this for two reasons, (a) I like spin-on filters and (b) it
occurred to me that I could mount it so I could unscrew it leaning into the
engine bay rather than scratting around on my back underneath.
When the time came to fit the filter head, I found I had to cant it at about
10 o'clock so the filter is aimed towards the radiator. All well and good
until I discovered that with a filter of this length, I can't screw the
filter fully home unless the filter head is loose and because of the length,
the filter is fouling the T piece to supply the oil pressure gauge. In the
words of the prophet, the clearance is as tight as a duck's a**e!
As far as I can see, the only ways round the prob are:
1. To fit a shorter filter in the same 10 o'clock position, or
2. Keep my fingers crossed and see if it will fit in a vertical position in
the bowels of the engine bay meaning I'll have to lie under the car to
unscrew it, or
3. Still keep it in a vertical position with a shorter filter.
If I fit a shorter filter, I'm obviously not going to get quite the same
filtration because of the smaller overall filter paper area and I'm
wondering if the oil pump might find itself working overtime to push the
same volume of oil through a smaller area.
I'm sure one or two people must have encountered this problem, so what is
the general thinking and if a shorter filter is the way to go, what part
number do you use? It doesn't have to be a FRAM #, the factor can sort that
out from the cross ref list but I naturally want one with an anti-drain
valve regardless of the position it eventually finds itself being fitted.
Replies awaited with interest.
John Mac