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Total 527 documents matching your query.

1. Re: TR4 Dash Question (score: 1)
Date: Wed, 1 Mar 2006 14:33:30 EST
Another confirmation of an early Four with rectangular ashtray confirms Lou Metelko's theory that the non-rectangular version was a prototype of some sort. Lou got information from Germany that CT 17
/html/triumphs/2006-03/msg00103.html (7,538 bytes)

2. GT6+ Valances (score: 1)
Date: Thu, 2 Mar 2006 16:08:30 EST
Hi Guys, Who is the suplier of choice for an Engine Bay Valance Kit for the 70 GT6+? I seem to recal seeing aluminum ones on a few cars. The GT is nearing completion and is way modified so originalit
/html/triumphs/2006-03/msg00133.html (6,696 bytes)

3. Re: Lost my key . . . now what? (score: 1)
Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 15:48:29 EST
Andy's is right. I think there should be a code right on the face of the switch. Then try: Looks like you can buy one online. There also is a Gent on the East Coast by the nam
/html/triumphs/2006-03/msg00148.html (9,028 bytes)

4. Re: Lost my key . . . now what? (score: 1)
Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 16:33:39 EST
It's Pete Groh (410) 750-2352 This guy is real good and I would recommend him. In some cases he has original keys have already been cut. Darrell == This list supported in part by The Vintage Triumph
/html/triumphs/2006-03/msg00150.html (8,719 bytes)

5. "Closer to Home" (score: 1)
Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2006 17:34:04 EST
Hey Guys, I am getting "Closer to My Home". As the 60's tune goes so am I. The 63 TR4 is now jacked up for the first time after being stripped of all equipment from the top down. Bare body reveals se
/html/triumphs/2006-03/msg00232.html (7,066 bytes)

6. Car Lifts? (score: 1)
Date: Fri, 3 Dec 2004 14:28:39 EST
Finally, I have arrived at a point in my life where a car lift is not only possible it is getting to be a requirement if I am going to continue to tinker on my Triumphs. First thing is I am getting
/html/triumphs/2004-12/msg00843.html (7,401 bytes)

7. Re: Re. Flyback Handbrake (score: 1)
Date: Mon, 6 Dec 2004 11:40:20 EST
I was watching the International Race of Champions a couple of nights ago from Paris on HDNET and I the brand new Renault Rally Cars being used were equipped with brake handles. You could see the dri
/html/triumphs/2004-12/msg00936.html (8,109 bytes)

8. Re: Where to put speaker in TR4 (score: 1)
Date: Tue, 12 Oct 2004 19:41:53 EDT
Hey Bob, I was going to respond to your question but Mr. Hahn beat me to it. He has it absolutely correct so no need. I was also going to add that it sure is refreshing to see someone going the whole
/html/triumphs/2004-10/msg00929.html (7,589 bytes)

9. Re: American Racing Silverstone - Lug nuts???? (score: 1)
Date: Wed, 8 Sep 2004 11:43:10 EDT
I thought I would chime in here. I am real scared of torqueing my A/R Silverstones on my TR4 or my 4-Spoke A/R's on my TR6 to any more than 45 lbs. Since reading this discussion I might bump them up
/html/triumphs/2004-09/msg00652.html (9,039 bytes)

10. Re: Strombergs (score: 1)
Date: Tue, 28 Sep 2004 14:29:04 EDT
Yep, Real problem with autocrossing too. Both my Six and 250 which have the Bergs like to run out of gas during tight left handers. I have heard that one can adjust the float levels to compensate but
/html/triumphs/2004-09/msg00864.html (7,120 bytes)

11. Presidential TR4? (score: 1)
Date: Mon, 2 Aug 2004 09:45:10 EDT
Hi Guys, This is not a political statement in anyway. Someone told me over the weekend that our leader W's first car was a white TR4. Can anyone confirm? Cheers, Darrell
/html/triumphs/2004-08/msg00819.html (7,073 bytes)

12. Re: TR6 fog lamps : what was original? (score: 1)
Date: Mon, 9 Aug 2004 13:58:30 EDT
I have a set of Lucas Lamps on my TR6. They are rectangular with white plastic covers with LUCAS imprinted on them in black raised letters. Although not "original" they are acceptable as a period ac
/html/triumphs/2004-08/msg01011.html (8,239 bytes)

13. Woe is Me Broken Diff Mount (score: 1)
Date: Mon, 9 Aug 2004 14:15:21 EDT
Just need to whine a little to guys that know. After replacing everything in the rear suspension on my Six last year. This year she comes up with a pretty nasty squeak in reverse and when decelerati
/html/triumphs/2004-08/msg01012.html (7,491 bytes)

14. Re: TR6 fog lamps : what was original? (score: 1)
Date: Mon, 9 Aug 2004 14:37:26 EDT
Alan, That's real interesting about the "Silver Sabre" version. I was not aware of them. I have the "Square Eights" (remembering the box now) and my Six is a 71. Do you know what is OK for later Cars
/html/triumphs/2004-08/msg01015.html (9,206 bytes)

15. Re: Fw: VTR list meeting (score: 1)
Date: Wed, 7 Jul 2004 14:53:05 EDT
I will of course be in Richmond. Thinking about wearing my rubber nose, mustache and dark shades so I can rally and autocross incognito avoiding any officer stuff until the big day of the Show. Cheer
/html/triumphs/2004-07/msg01009.html (7,448 bytes)

16. Re: anybody know the VTR results (score: 1)
Date: Wed, 21 Jul 2004 17:20:51 EDT
Hey Guys, How about that Marty Sukey? FTD VTR Autocross 2004!!!!! Modified TR6!!!! Marty has been after it for a while now and IMHO joins the ranks of VTR TOP GUNS J.K. Jackson, Bob Lang and Richard
/html/triumphs/2004-07/msg01310.html (7,351 bytes)

17. Really Weird - Cold TR3 (score: 1)
Date: Mon, 21 Jun 2004 13:46:10 EDT
Hi Guys, Ok now I have seen it all. I fixed the leak in the Threes Radiator neck with Bars Leak Rat Turds and Silver Flakes--a double treatment. On the way to Mid-Ohio Saturday She never warmed up an
/html/triumphs/2004-06/msg01445.html (7,826 bytes)

18. Into The TR4 (score: 1)
Date: Sat, 3 Dec 2005 16:02:13 EST
Hey Guys, OK, nobody really wants it so I am into it. So far the battery box area has been cleaned up and coated with POR then sprayed with Rustoleum. Looks fair, just a couple of holes in the bottom
/html/triumphs/2005-12/msg00046.html (7,962 bytes)

19. Early TR4 Rev Counter???? (score: 1)
Date: Tue, 6 Dec 2005 21:00:12 EST
Whilst making a buy on ebay to snipe a proper rev counter for the 63, I stumbled across something. Is it possible that early TR4's up to commission # CT11308 were fitted with TR3 counters? You know
/html/triumphs/2005-12/msg00120.html (7,380 bytes)

20. Re: Early TR4 Rev Counter???? (score: 1)
Date: Fri, 9 Dec 2005 13:37:21 EST
Your Four makes it 6 to Zip for the "Red Pie Slice" Early TR4 Revolution Counters with domed glass. No TR4 yet with a TR3 "Red Line" at the redline has come forth. I am going to go out on a limb and
/html/triumphs/2005-12/msg00173.html (6,987 bytes)

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