--==0529697195244126684== --000000000000bf600e0576b23d70 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Thanks!What do you think the torque value might be? Thanks, Paul OK. e o --000000000000bf600e0576b
--==5360564373562548611== --00000000000097134f0576b2edb9 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Did people make the conversion to the spin on type oil filter while The engine was in the car? You
--==7178545950930221771== --0000000000002f32070576b6b5b9 Thanks, I'll let you know. --0000000000002f32070576b6b5b9 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable <div>Thanks, I'll let you know.</div
--==0741600207131097845== --0000000000006a3f680576c94941 I now see what other people have said is a tappet which has come to almost the top and out of place. I don't know hod this happened and is get
--==8602565416742315546== --000000000000bb32b60576cdb710 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable I=E2=80=99ve never asked, is it OK to turn the engine with the crankshaft b= olt and turn it clock
--==0188471134398306709== --0000000000009294640576d9259d Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable SAE and SStandard mean the same thing right? And you can turn the engine clockwise and countercloc
--==1070629291365848082== --00000000000080b3120577088763 Does anyone know the size of the oil drain plug and TPI for a TR4? Thanks, Paul Dorsey --00000000000080b3120577088763 <div dir="ltr"><div dir=
--0000000000005a6731057707e2fe --0000000000005a672f057707e2fc I received my new pushrod from Moss last night and was impressed, it looks the same length as stock, but was slightly heavier by weight.
--==8109968112258948945== --0000000000001e78ae05772f3513 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Thanks Jeff, it=E2=80=99s great to know that I have such a depth of knowle= dge backing me up if I
--==1663915109288875318== --000000000000d21aa805773359b8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable That pushrod mysteriously went down I ldon=E2=80=99t know how it happened.= It now seems at the ri
--==0612190748173938554== --000000000000c98b7605772dc156 I wonder if a magnet at the end of one of those wands would reposition it? Is there any danger that something will topple or get misaligned? -
--==3851204997450585444== --000000000000b4235105772dd267 What's special about brass or bronze? I know their softer, but, seems like the coat hanger would be sufficient to hold it down. --000000000000
--==6878179104452319910== --000000000000722c390577650a64 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Thanks for such a great answer. It did accidentally line up and go in. The triumph gods We=E2=80=9
--==4087261048307692163== --0000000000001be9cd0579cc356a Sorry for the interlude as I was getting the house painted, but, I am now on the tr 3 again. And I was adjusting the valves using the 'rule of
--==5624790720271608692== --00000000000087f2c60579d6ef44 Bill, I must 'av said it wrong. Valve #1 gets ADJUSTED because #8 is down (or going down), and valve #6 is ADJUSTED because #3 is down(or goin
--==6964692083831521543== --00000000000019763f0579d70092 Sorry for the interlude as I was getting the house painted, but, I am now on the tr 3 again. And I was adjusting the valves using the 'rule of