- 21. Re: [TR] Relative values (score: 1)
- Author: "Andrew Uprichard" <auprichard@comcast.net>
- Date: Fri, 16 Nov 2007 06:54:55 -0500
- I have two of these beauties. In both cases I have done a frame-off restoration, increased the engine BHP, added overdrive, and installed custom-made roll-bars and leather bucket seats (plus R&P stee
- /html/triumphs/2007-11/msg00337.html (8,751 bytes)
- 22. Re: [TR] Relative values (score: 1)
- Author: auprichard@comcast.net
- Date: Fri, 16 Nov 2007 19:58:57 +0000
- That's fine if you want an unreliable, uncomfortable, poorly-handling and potentially unsafe car with 90-odd horse-power. _______________________________________________ Support Team.Net http://www.t
- /html/triumphs/2007-11/msg00344.html (11,942 bytes)
- 23. Re: [TR] Relative values (score: 1)
- Author: "Andrew Uprichard" <auprichard@comcast.net>
- Date: Fri, 16 Nov 2007 19:53:56 -0500
- This has been a great exchange, fueled in part, I realize, by my punchy reply to a posting. But give me a break, my company's stock is at an all-time low, I did something (not quite sure what) to tic
- /html/triumphs/2007-11/msg00359.html (10,542 bytes)
- 24. Re: [TR] length of string - long (score: 1)
- Author: "Andrew Uprichard" <auprichard@comcast.net>
- Date: Tue, 20 Nov 2007 06:18:40 -0500
- The distance is 3/(2*pi) in both cases. circumference = pi * d circumference + 3 = pi * d + 3 = pi * (d + 3/pi) The diameter increases by 3/pi regardless of the starting diameter. But don't ask me to
- /html/triumphs/2007-11/msg00445.html (9,182 bytes)
- 25. Re: [TR] length of string - long (score: 1)
- Author: auprichard@comcast.net
- Date: Tue, 20 Nov 2007 17:47:49 +0000
- Let us say there were only ever 2 models of tr made: the TR2 and the TR3 Joe and Bob both have two TRs Joe says, "my first car was a TR3" Bob says, "one of my cars is a TR3" Which is more likely to h
- /html/triumphs/2007-11/msg00451.html (11,103 bytes)
- 26. Re: [TR] length of string - long (score: 1)
- Author: auprichard@comcast.net
- Date: Tue, 20 Nov 2007 17:50:17 +0000
- Oops - got it wronh - sorry. Bob actually says "at least one of my cars is a _______________________________________________ Support Team.Net http://www.team.net/donate.html This list supported in pa
- /html/triumphs/2007-11/msg00452.html (12,412 bytes)
- 27. Re: [TR] length of string - long (score: 1)
- Author: auprichard@comcast.net
- Date: Tue, 20 Nov 2007 20:50:02 +0000
- So if, as I meant to say, Bob says "at least one of my cars is a TR3", then there are three possibilities: two TR3s, a TR3 followed by a TR2, or a TR2 followed by a TR3 - so he has a 1:3 chance of ha
- /html/triumphs/2007-11/msg00460.html (9,752 bytes)
- 28. Re: [TR] TR3A inner sill replacement (score: 1)
- Author: auprichard@comcast.net
- Date: Fri, 30 Nov 2007 13:23:25 +0000
- Having just done this, I need hardly emphasize how important the exercise is. The book "How to restore Triumph TR2/3" is very helpful. I made braces for each door, which effectively secure the "A" an
- /html/triumphs/2007-11/msg00612.html (8,762 bytes)
- 29. Re: [TR] bushing/trunnion clearance (score: 1)
- Author: "Andrew Uprichard" <auprichard@comcast.net>
- Date: Thu, 13 Dec 2007 22:20:20 -0500
- Not all trunnions are created equal. Mt suggestion is to take the trunnions to the machine shop and work them to fit. That's what I have done for my TR3s. Andrew --Original Message-- From: triumphs-b
- /html/triumphs/2007-12/msg00226.html (8,101 bytes)
- 30. Re: [TR] Gauges (score: 1)
- Author: auprichard@comcast.net
- Date: Wed, 02 Jan 2008 19:49:33 +0000
- Nisongers did a really nice job for me. Andrew _______________________________________________ Support Team.Net http://www.team.net/donate.html This list supported in part by the Vintage Triumph Regi
- /html/triumphs/2008-01/msg00030.html (8,385 bytes)
- 31. [TR] Chroming (score: 1)
- Author: auprichard@comcast.net
- Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2008 15:53:23 +0000
- I need a sanity check here - and I'd appreciate feedback. How much could I expect to pay to have my windscreen frame and two stanchions re-chromed ? I got a quote today and it seems outrageous. Thank
- /html/triumphs/2008-01/msg00380.html (6,323 bytes)
- 32. [TR] TR3/4 high-port head (score: 1)
- Author: auprichard@comcast.net
- Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2008 19:33:38 +0000
- Is there anyone within a reasonable drive from Boston who has a scrap high-port head from a TR3 or 4 ? I want to create a torque/honing plate for prestressing the liners prior to boring them out to 8
- /html/triumphs/2008-01/msg00395.html (6,997 bytes)
- 33. Re: [TR] chroming (score: 1)
- Author: "Andrew Uprichard" <auprichard@comcast.net>
- Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2008 22:36:58 -0500
- Thank you to all of you who replied, either to everyone on the distribution list or directly to me. The outrageous (to me) price turns out not to have been as outrageous as I thought, although it is
- /html/triumphs/2008-01/msg00407.html (7,798 bytes)
- 34. [TR] AMCO side screens restoration ? (score: 1)
- Author: "Andrew Uprichard" <auprichard@comcast.net>
- Date: Sat, 2 Feb 2008 18:24:39 -0500
- For a couple of years I have been looking for lightweight sidescreens, as my screens cause the doors to sag and require a degree of lifting to close them properly. Today I bought a TR3A for shipping
- /html/triumphs/2008-02/msg00035.html (7,464 bytes)
- 35. Re: [TR] AMCO side screens restoration ? (score: 1)
- Author: "Andrew Uprichard" <auprichard@comcast.net>
- Date: Sat, 2 Feb 2008 20:20:29 -0500
- Oops - thank thee, brother... _____ Andrew, It amazing that your TR3B was made by the Pilgrims only 2 years after they landed! ;-) Doug At 06:24 PM 2/2/2008, you wrote: Andrew Uprichard 1622 TR3B 195
- /html/triumphs/2008-02/msg00040.html (7,626 bytes)
- 36. Re: [TR] Will I regret making these mods? (score: 1)
- Author: "Andrew Uprichard" <auprichard@comcast.net>
- Date: Mon, 25 Feb 2008 19:46:02 -0500
- I'd do the rear crankcase oil seal conversion before anything else. Andrew Uprichard --Original Message-- From: triumphs-bounces+auprichard=comcast.net@autox.team.net [mailto:triumphs-bounces+auprich
- /html/triumphs/2008-02/msg00352.html (8,864 bytes)
- 37. Re: [TR] Body Solder (score: 1)
- Author: auprichard@comcast.net
- Date: Mon, 03 Mar 2008 19:28:22 +0000
- I took my TR3 to a restoration shop a year ago and the owner lets me go over every weekend to work on the car - I pay him for his time and materials and I learn as I go. I asked him about this issue,
- /html/triumphs/2008-03/msg00048.html (10,205 bytes)
- 38. Re: [TR] oil out breather? (score: 1)
- Author: auprichard@comcast.net
- Date: Sun, 09 Mar 2008 19:00:27 +0000
- I'm certainly not the expert here (hopefully Randall will pitch in), but a pressure of 15 at idle when warm wouldn't concern me, so long as it pops back up when it's needed, ie. when you put the engi
- /html/triumphs/2008-03/msg00215.html (8,877 bytes)
- 39. Re: [TR] tr3 windshield frame-rechromed (score: 1)
- Author: "Andrew Uprichard" <auprichard@comcast.net>
- Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2008 07:05:20 -0400
- Did it last month - $700.00 Andrew Uprichard --Original Message-- From: triumphs-bounces+auprichard=comcast.net@autox.team.net [mailto:triumphs-bounces+auprichard=comcast.net@autox.team.net] On Behal
- /html/triumphs/2008-03/msg00560.html (8,254 bytes)
- 40. Re: [TR] TR3 fender to bonnet clearance (score: 1)
- Author: auprichard@comcast.net
- Date: Mon, 31 Mar 2008 16:48:19 +0000
- Having just gone through this on my car (almost ready to paint), my suggestion is to try to take the entirety of the car's forward compartment and not just one gap here or malalignment there. Randal
- /html/triumphs/2008-03/msg00696.html (10,257 bytes)
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