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Total 50 documents matching your query.

1. [Shop-talk] keyboard help (score: 165)
Author: bk13 at (Brian Kemp)
Date: Mon, 07 May 2012 07:36:38 -0700
A second mouse is also a fun practical joke in the office if you have computers near each other. Slowly move the second mouse and watch the confusion on the user. If you can see the screen, randomly
/html/shop-talk/2012-05/msg00027.html (10,536 bytes)

2. [Shop-talk] Comparing kerosene & electric shop heater costs (score: 155)
Author: bk13 at (Brian Kemp)
Date: Wed, 02 Feb 2011 18:29:02 -0800
Gotta love that cheap electricity. Out here in the Los Angeles area, So Cal Edison has us on a tiered rate structure and we start at 13 cents/kWh for our "baseline allowance". Apparently the public u
/html/shop-talk/2011-02/msg00128.html (10,395 bytes)

3. [Shop-talk] Drafting Program (score: 155)
Author: bk13 at (Brian Kemp)
Date: Sun, 13 Feb 2011 17:51:32 -0800
Ronald - Did you try the program on the new computer? I use several programs from XP that are not listed as Windows 7 compatible on my new Win 7 Home Premium 64 computer. One has no issues at all. Fi
/html/shop-talk/2011-02/msg00171.html (10,152 bytes)

4. [Shop-talk] Replacing a damaged helicoil (score: 155)
Author: bk13 at (Brian Kemp)
Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2011 19:02:00 -0800
I second this approach. Use a dental pick type tool to lift the top end out enough to grab with a needle nose pliers and it should unscrew. Brian
/html/shop-talk/2011-02/msg00231.html (11,467 bytes)

5. [Shop-talk] dehumidifiers (score: 155)
Author: bk13 at (Brian Kemp)
Date: Wed, 16 Mar 2011 21:39:11 -0700
Dan - I had a similar problem with an old Kenmore I picked up for $10. It would ice up below about 65 degrees. At 70-80 degrees it worked fine and got a similar amount of water compared to my new deh
/html/shop-talk/2011-03/msg00296.html (10,253 bytes)

6. [Shop-talk] My equivalent of a nuclear meltdown..... (score: 155)
Author: bk13 at (Brian Kemp)
Date: Sun, 20 Mar 2011 10:47:57 -0700
Gerald - I am assuming you have a low deck. Do you know where the critter is going under the deck? If so, make sure all other areas are blocked then make some sort of one way flap at the entrance. Th
/html/shop-talk/2011-03/msg00303.html (11,580 bytes)

7. [Shop-talk] multimedia in the shop (score: 155)
Author: bk13 at (Brian Kemp)
Date: Sat, 09 Apr 2011 07:57:45 -0700
Moose - I would not expect most people to be able to notice a difference with speakers in a thin plastic bag. I actually experienced it yesterday at a show with my family. It started to sprinkle, so
/html/shop-talk/2011-04/msg00254.html (12,226 bytes)

8. [Shop-talk] Is a fence part of a shop? (score: 155)
Author: bk13 at (Brian Kemp)
Date: Thu, 14 Apr 2011 17:32:47 -0700
I was going to suggest two sections of angle iron mounted in concrete that you could then lag the fence post to, but the Simpson E-Z Base already suggested looks like a better product you can get off
/html/shop-talk/2011-04/msg00316.html (10,798 bytes)

9. [Shop-talk] A new OT problem..... (score: 155)
Author: bk13 at (Brian Kemp)
Date: Sat, 16 Apr 2011 09:46:57 -0700
George - I'll be watching for responses. My Honda Odyssey keys do a similar action with the power sliding doors. Fortunately, if the car is locked, nothing will open. If the unlock button is pushed a
/html/shop-talk/2011-04/msg00332.html (12,625 bytes)

10. [Shop-talk] DannMar MaxJax ? (score: 155)
Author: bk13 at (Brian Kemp)
Date: Sun, 01 May 2011 16:37:39 -0700 -
/html/shop-talk/2011-05/msg00258.html (9,828 bytes)

11. [Shop-talk] gps to find the shop (score: 155)
Author: bk13 at (Brian Kemp)
Date: Mon, 06 Jun 2011 20:12:32 -0700
John - Some people love the smart phones, but I'm a simple phone guy, so I use a Garmin nuvi and like it. If you live in a busy area, traffic information is very valuable. Just last week, getting on
/html/shop-talk/2011-06/msg00398.html (12,043 bytes)

12. [Shop-talk] hanging bicycles (score: 155)
Author: bk13 at (Brian Kemp)
Date: Wed, 08 Jun 2011 17:09:11 -0700
Tim - If your hanging area is 8-9 feet high, the low tech method is to just put up a pair of hooks and hang the bikes from the rims. Measure the distance from hub to hub and space the hooks that far
/html/shop-talk/2011-06/msg00423.html (11,123 bytes)

13. [Shop-talk] Oxy-Acetylene for soldering copper pipes? (score: 155)
Author: bk13 at (Brian Kemp)
Date: Sun, 12 Jun 2011 08:17:22 -0700
Doug - You can buy a special heat resistant shield that is like a heavy cloth (Home Depot SKU # 411396 for $17.89), but if it is just a few applications, you can probably get by something you already
/html/shop-talk/2011-06/msg00449.html (10,787 bytes)

14. [Shop-talk] Filling large gaps in wood? (score: 155)
Author: bk13 at (Brian Kemp)
Date: Tue, 21 Jun 2011 21:59:21 -0700
Jim - If you are after an easy way to add a little bit to extend the drywall, get some mesh tape and setting type drywall compound. It sets chemically in the time specified on the package. I'd probab
/html/shop-talk/2011-06/msg00503.html (11,211 bytes)

15. [Shop-talk] Cat 6 cable (and water) to the garage (score: 155)
Author: bk13 at (Brian Kemp)
Date: Sat, 09 Jul 2011 09:12:00 -0700
Jim - Depending on the length, it may be worth a little more labor to install rigid PVC. 1 in. x 10 ft. Sch. 40 PVC Conduit is $2.58 at my local Home Depot. Assuming you have a 50' run, that is $12.9
/html/shop-talk/2011-07/msg00226.html (11,628 bytes)

16. [Shop-talk] Grass Pavers (score: 155)
Author: bk13 at (Brian Kemp)
Date: Sat, 09 Jul 2011 21:26:08 -0700
Jim - If you are just moving a car once or twice a year, I wouldn't bother with grass pavers. Just drive over the grass, especially since Alpines are light. I expect you have the option to move the c
/html/shop-talk/2011-07/msg00243.html (11,581 bytes)

17. [Shop-talk] Formica counter (score: 155)
Author: bk13 at (Brian Kemp)
Date: Mon, 25 Jul 2011 17:26:19 -0700
Brian - If the substrate is good, I see two options that don't require removing the counters. 1. There are counter companies that will come and cover your existing counter with a thin granite. The sa
/html/shop-talk/2011-07/msg00319.html (11,109 bytes)

18. [Shop-talk] How to glue concrete? (score: 155)
Author: bk13 at (Brian Kemp)
Date: Fri, 29 Jul 2011 20:37:10 -0700
I glued some broken brick with DAP 10.1 oz. Watertight Concrete Filler and Sealant, SKU # 284733, $3.97 at Home Depot in the caulk area. I wanted something thin like glue or caulk so the brick fractu
/html/shop-talk/2011-07/msg00334.html (9,762 bytes)

19. [Shop-talk] Window a/c unit for the garage (score: 155)
Author: bk13 at (Brian Kemp)
Date: Fri, 05 Aug 2011 06:41:11 -0700
You might want to look at a mini-split system. Search "mini-split air conditioner" to see. That way you don't loose your window and can still secure the garage. I'm considering one for the apartment
/html/shop-talk/2011-08/msg00147.html (10,597 bytes)

20. [Shop-talk] Tunneling drain pipe down a hill? (score: 155)
Author: bk13 at (Brian Kemp)
Date: Sat, 03 Sep 2011 09:29:28 -0700
Thanks to all that have replied. Having a house with an unobstructable view comes with certain challenges. I'd love to have something like the Ditch Witch come in, but it would either have to climb a
/html/shop-talk/2011-09/msg00007.html (12,636 bytes)

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