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Total 33 documents matching your query.

21. re: Oil Pumps (score: 1)
Date: Tue, 21 Aug 2001 06:10:32 PST
We have a little Volvo 2 cylinder diesel engine on the boat, and the only way to drain the oil on it is to pump it out the dipstick tube. It isn't a question of being unable to reach the drain plug
/html/shop-talk/2001-08/msg00095.html (7,946 bytes)

22. re: Oil Pumps (score: 1)
Date: Tue, 21 Aug 2001 08:47:57 PST
Tim said. . . Actually, there is a provision. On many (most?) differentials, you are supposed to remove the cover and let the gear oil pour out. Then clean out the gunk, apply a new gasket, and repla
/html/shop-talk/2001-08/msg00097.html (8,236 bytes)

23. [Fwd: Re: OT: Digging dog] (score: 1)
Author: Steve Dillen <>
Date: Sun, 07 May 2006 19:36:47 -0700
...forgot to edit out the trailer.... I second this. Once the dog gets "bit" by the fence once or twice, they won't go near it and you can turn it off and not have a problem. An added benefit is that
/html/shop-talk/2006-05/msg00011.html (6,898 bytes)

24. Re: powder actuated stud setter question (score: 1)
Author: Steve Dillen <>
Date: Thu, 20 Jul 2006 14:55:50 -0700
No idea on disposal....but I have to ask the questions: Why? Aren't well maintained powder actuated tools (when used with the appropriate safety gear and training) basically as safe as any other powe
/html/shop-talk/2006-07/msg00038.html (7,923 bytes)

25. Re: [Shop-talk] hoisting heavy items (score: 1)
Author: Steve Dillen <>
Date: Sat, 03 Oct 2009 07:09:44 -0700
I use a boat-trailer winch ($50 from Princess Auto here in Canada....Harbor Freight likely is the US equivalent) attached to the wall of my garage with the cable running through overhead blocks to in
/html/shop-talk/2009-10/msg00015.html (8,845 bytes)

26. Re: [Shop-talk] HF Tire Changer (score: 1)
Author: Steve Dillen <>
Date: Thu, 08 Oct 2009 19:54:59 -0700
I just bought one of these last month to handle a bunch of tire/rim swaps I wanted done. My observations..... You need to bolt it down VERY securely. I initially tried to bolt it to a plank and to th
/html/shop-talk/2009-10/msg00044.html (9,572 bytes)

27. [Shop-talk] [Fwd: Re: HF Tire Changer] (score: 1)
Author: Steve Dillen <>
Date: Fri, 09 Oct 2009 19:49:12 -0700
doh....replied to Mark instead of to the list..... I tried that once. I used a sawzall to cut the sidewall around and unseat the bead. It was NOT a fun project and really just made a huge mess. $50 f
/html/shop-talk/2009-10/msg00079.html (7,329 bytes)

28. [Shop-talk] [Fwd: Re: home car alignment tools] (score: 1)
Author: Steve Dillen <>
Date: Sat, 12 Dec 2009 13:44:59 -0800
_______________________________________________ Support Team.Net Shop-talk mailing list
/html/shop-talk/2009-12/msg00079.html (6,746 bytes)

29. Re: [Shop-talk] home car alignment tools (score: 1)
Author: Steve Dillen <>
Date: Sat, 12 Dec 2009 16:18:51 -0800
....I'm really brain dead today...this is my >fourth< attempt to post my answer to Eric's question to the list. I'm afraid the difficulty is a result of a serious EBKAC (error between keyboard and ch
/html/shop-talk/2009-12/msg00085.html (10,131 bytes)

30. Re: [Shop-talk] HF Tire changer. (score: 1)
Author: Steve Dillen <>
Date: Wed, 16 Dec 2009 16:24:41 -0800
This sounds like a fairly desperate measure....and something that I'd only try about 10 minutes before I dragged the sawzall and an angle grinder to the scene of the crime. My changer has three sets
/html/shop-talk/2009-12/msg00121.html (8,648 bytes)

31. Re: [Shop-talk] Successfully using the HF Tire Changer (score: 1)
Author: Steve Dillen <>
Date: Thu, 17 Dec 2009 20:01:19 -0800
_______________________________________________ Support Team.Net Shop-talk mailing list
/html/shop-talk/2009-12/msg00132.html (7,382 bytes)

32. Re: [Shop-talk] Wheel Balancer (score: 1)
Author: Steve Dillen <>
Date: Sat, 19 Dec 2009 08:13:51 -0800
I gave up on using lead balance weights on the rims of my jeep as I'd either tear the weights off on rocks or would end up spinning the tire on the rim when removing debris that I picked up on the tr
/html/shop-talk/2009-12/msg00154.html (8,453 bytes)

33. Re: [Shop-talk] What is it called (score: 1)
Author: Steve Dillen <>
Date: Mon, 04 Jan 2010 07:53:16 -0800
Are you talking about "Nutserts"? They have these at Princess Auto here in BC. I'm sure any Harbor Freight/well stocke
/html/shop-talk/2010-01/msg00032.html (8,960 bytes)

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