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References: [ +from:jhouse@ccsol.com: 107 ]

Total 107 documents matching your query.

41. [oletrucks] Another use for my cut off wheel - XMAS - OFF TOPIC (score: 1)
Author: "Jhouse" <jhouse@ccsol.com>
Date: Tue, 4 Dec 2001 12:23:14 -0500
Well we are getting out the xmas gear and my wife wanted me to cut down all of the 3 and 4 inch in diameter candles. Below where the core was burnt out last year. Well I started with the old knife an
/html/oletrucks/2001-12/msg00070.html (7,363 bytes)

42. RE: [oletrucks] compressed air (score: 1)
Author: "Jhouse" <jhouse@ccsol.com>
Date: Tue, 11 Dec 2001 10:43:03 -0500
Last spring I was compressor shopping and we got a long string of messages on this topic. I stated that I had more time then money and wanted to get a "good deal". So as I went on the great compress
/html/oletrucks/2001-12/msg00192.html (17,877 bytes)

43. RE: [oletrucks] air compressor questions (score: 1)
Author: "Jhouse" <jhouse@ccsol.com>
Date: Thu, 13 Dec 2001 07:41:05 -0500
I have a Sears compressor and now know why they are printing the decimal level on the card IN BIG PRINT. This covers them since the noise this compressor makes is in the range that would cause perman
/html/oletrucks/2001-12/msg00246.html (9,894 bytes)

44. [oletrucks] New GMC Problem (score: 1)
Author: "Jhouse" <jhouse@ccsol.com>
Date: Fri, 21 Dec 2001 13:09:55 -0500
I have a 92 GMC Vandura 2500 (3/4 ton). Well the shocks were getting very bad and we are going on our annual trip to the homeland (1600 mile round trip). I got the shocks swapped out and two new tire
/html/oletrucks/2001-12/msg00389.html (7,233 bytes)

45. RE: [oletrucks] Delima (score: 1)
Author: "Jhouse" <jhouse@ccsol.com>
Date: Tue, 6 Nov 2001 17:04:51 -0500
Do you have any photos of your 45 that you can post or send via e-mail to me. I have a 45 but it is VERY hard to find anyone who may have ALL of the correct (original) stuff on it. I am interested i
/html/oletrucks/2001-11/msg00090.html (8,094 bytes)

46. [oletrucks] The cold got to me (score: 1)
Author: "Jhouse" <jhouse@ccsol.com>
Date: Wed, 14 Nov 2001 13:08:39 -0500
Well all summer my 46 1/2 ton was boiling over, after an hour drive. Original 216 with NO MODIFICATIONS, 65,000 miles, one rebuild with +30, new head job last summer. It runs great in the winter and
/html/oletrucks/2001-11/msg00178.html (8,528 bytes)

47. RE: [oletrucks] wheel striping stock1946 (score: 1)
Author: "Jhouse" <jhouse@ccsol.com>
Date: Fri, 16 Nov 2001 09:21:26 -0500
I have a few rims that are painted that way. Most of the ones I have are repainted. One came on the truck and another I picked up at a swap meet that are painted as you describe. However, these coul
/html/oletrucks/2001-11/msg00188.html (8,302 bytes)

48. RE: [oletrucks] The cold got to me (score: 1)
Author: "Jhouse" <jhouse@ccsol.com>
Date: Sat, 17 Nov 2001 11:15:13 -0500
Is this plug on the block or on the pump. I can see no plug. Is it a screw or what is the head format? Thanks, NHJim 45 Chevy 3104 (that is not going to the dump today;<) there is a freeze plug direc
/html/oletrucks/2001-11/msg00198.html (11,783 bytes)

49. RE: [oletrucks] The cold got to me (score: 1)
Author: "Jhouse" <jhouse@ccsol.com>
Date: Sun, 18 Nov 2001 17:53:46 -0500
1936. I have a manual that shows a special GM tool that you can wacky this plug back into the block. Is that what he is talking about or is my book bad data. I see that Jay stated that I need to rem
/html/oletrucks/2001-11/msg00203.html (14,247 bytes)

50. RE: [oletrucks] The cold got to me (score: 1)
Author: "Jhouse" <jhouse@ccsol.com>
Date: Mon, 19 Nov 2001 16:59:09 -0500
Thanks Doug and all, Well I took about 45 minuets to pulled the radiator and water pump. Guess what I saw. The plug, it was pushed out about 1/4 inch from the block on the top and dipped into the blo
/html/oletrucks/2001-11/msg00218.html (18,077 bytes)

51. RE: [oletrucks] The cold got to me (score: 1)
Author: "Jhouse" <jhouse@ccsol.com>
Date: Mon, 19 Nov 2001 18:20:24 -0500
Where do I get a new freeze plug? Thanks, NHJim --Original Message-- From: jls [mailto:jls@seavcom.com] Sent: Monday, November 19, 2001 6:03 PM To: Hanlon, Bill Cc: Jhouse; Doug Pewterbaugh; Jays Mai
/html/oletrucks/2001-11/msg00222.html (21,810 bytes)

52. [oletrucks] Freeze Plug update (score: 1)
Author: "Jhouse" <jhouse@ccsol.com>
Date: Tue, 20 Nov 2001 15:53:26 -0500
Ok, now it has all caught up to me. By being cheep and only using water and not dealing with my radiator boil over issue the whole thing froze and the plug was pushed out. I have gotten a lot of grea
/html/oletrucks/2001-11/msg00239.html (8,119 bytes)

53. [oletrucks] Freeze Plug update (score: 1)
Author: "Jhouse" <jhouse@ccsol.com>
Date: Sun, 25 Nov 2001 12:50:31 -0500
Well I got the freeze plug replacement back in with the aviation permilux. Next I cut two new gaskets for the old water pump and with the same permilux installed this. Then put back the cleaned radia
/html/oletrucks/2001-11/msg00306.html (7,775 bytes)

54. RE: [oletrucks] Radiator Problem (score: 1)
Author: "Jhouse" <jhouse@ccsol.com>
Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2001 10:55:33 -0500
Ted House This is Jim House - I also had this problem and just ran water instead of fixing the problem. Two weeks ago it froze and created a bigger problem (another story). Do you have a temp gauge i
/html/oletrucks/2001-11/msg00314.html (8,772 bytes)

55. [oletrucks] RE: [old-chevy-truck] Winter in Texas (score: 1)
Author: "Jhouse" <jhouse@ccsol.com>
Date: Thu, 29 Nov 2001 07:46:49 -0500
bo hoooo Welcome to my world. We have most of the ski resorts open but for at my house it was 33 and raining this morning. I get to go camping this weekend with the Boy Scouts and am hoping for snow!
/html/oletrucks/2001-11/msg00372.html (8,634 bytes)

56. RE: [oletrucks] Re: Air Compressor (score: 1)
Author: "Jhouse" <jhouse@ccsol.com>
Date: Mon, 1 Oct 2001 18:14:24 -0400
I would suggest it is the old Fat Finger Diseases (my first guess). I have a customer who keeps sending one (and only one) e-mail over and over that is more than 3 months old. The message was no long
/html/oletrucks/2001-10/msg00019.html (9,436 bytes)

57. RE: [oletrucks] Magpie's Song (score: 1)
Author: "Jhouse" <jhouse@ccsol.com>
Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2001 11:24:32 -0400
Who was the list member? Thanks, Jim House (NHJim) 45 Chevy 3104 One list member gave all there was to give, crashing in a Pennsylvania field with Flight 93. mjb. oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM
/html/oletrucks/2001-10/msg00184.html (7,504 bytes)

58. RE: [oletrucks] Magpie's Song (score: 1)
Author: "Jhouse" <jhouse@ccsol.com>
Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2001 13:19:40 -0400
Thank Miq, My question was who was the list member on Flight 93? This was answered by Mark. I knew who Mark was and what a wonderful job he is doing for ALL auto and truck lists. Jim House Just to cl
/html/oletrucks/2001-10/msg00188.html (8,250 bytes)

59. RE: [oletrucks] The Truck Shop in Orange, CA (score: 1)
Author: "Jhouse" <jhouse@ccsol.com>
Date: Tue, 16 Oct 2001 09:20:25 -0400
Check this list out - it is from Jeff Fox a former list great! http://www.execpc.com/~jfox/suppliers.html NHJim 45 Chevy 3104 Does anybody have the phone number for the Truck Shop in Orange, CA? Nate
/html/oletrucks/2001-10/msg00247.html (7,789 bytes)

60. RE: [oletrucks] WANTED: 1955 Missouri YOM License Plate (score: 1)
Author: "Jhouse" <jhouse@ccsol.com>
Date: Wed, 5 Sep 2001 09:05:04 -0400
Take a look at this plate web site, it is an group and they should be able to link you up with resellers: http://www.alpca.org/ NHJim 45 Chevy 3104 I am interested in finding a source for a 1955 BL 6
/html/oletrucks/2001-09/msg00037.html (7,624 bytes)

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