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References: [ +from:MILW8170@dmci.net: 21 ]

Total 21 documents matching your query.

1. Re: [oletrucks] Vacuum Wipers (score: 1)
Author: Don Kasbohm <MILW8170@dmci.net>
Date: Sun, 02 Apr 2000 14:00:50 -0400
Two words that you really need to remember when operating ANY old vehicle with vacuum wipers: RAIN X Don Kasbohm '59 GMC 100 V8 oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941 and 1959
/html/oletrucks/2000-04/msg00039.html (7,064 bytes)

2. Re: [oletrucks] heard about somthing interesting on ..... (score: 1)
Author: Don Kasbohm <MILW8170@dmci.net>
Date: Sun, 02 Apr 2000 14:09:04 -0400
I've always been pretty leary about attempting to buy something as major as a vehicle sight-unseen. A lotta people have done it and been happy, and I've seen pics of what appeared to be some mighty f
/html/oletrucks/2000-04/msg00040.html (7,502 bytes)

3. RE: [oletrucks] Cleaning rusty gas tank (score: 1)
Author: Don Kasbohm <milw8170@dmci.net>
Date: Tue, 9 Nov 1999 23:10:33 -0500
The Gas Tank cleaning kit that is sold in the Eastwood Catalog comes with a short piece of chain, I believe. Don Kasbohm '59 GMC 100 V8 oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941
/html/oletrucks/1999-11/msg00238.html (8,835 bytes)

4. Re: [oletrucks] Leaking gas tank fix (score: 1)
Author: Don Kasbohm <milw8170@dmci.net>
Date: Fri, 19 Nov 1999 15:07:03 -0500
Being a former Merchan Marine Engineer, I can verify that a similar methed is used on tankers to purge empty cargo holds of explosive vapors. The ship is equipped with an Inert Gas generator or IG un
/html/oletrucks/1999-11/msg00478.html (10,746 bytes)

5. [oletrucks] AD Jukebox revisited. (score: 1)
Author: Don Kasbohm <milw8170@dmci.net>
Date: Tue, 7 Sep 1999 10:21:15 -0400
Hi everyone! I'm back! Was gone from the list for quite a while, now I just got back on again. Remember a few months ago when I told y'all about a CD jukebox that was made to look like the front end
/html/oletrucks/1999-09/msg00162.html (7,380 bytes)

6. Re: [oletrucks] A question from my son... plus... (score: 1)
Author: Don Kasbohm <milw8170@dmci.net>
Date: Sat, 11 Sep 1999 00:20:34 -0400
I don't know about the tailgate idea, although It's a pretty neat and original concept. But, if you can whip the truck into good enough shape to get to the show safely and legally in time, I say hey,
/html/oletrucks/1999-09/msg00269.html (9,227 bytes)

7. Re: [oletrucks] Ebay - my first time to speak =) (score: 1)
Author: Don Kasbohm <milw8170@dmci.net>
Date: Mon, 13 Sep 1999 10:49:02 -0400
I don't see what the big deal is either, provided that it something pertaining to old trucks. Of course a lot of these items that are found I don't want or need, but if nothing else at least I've got
/html/oletrucks/1999-09/msg00360.html (7,992 bytes)

8. Re: [oletrucks] '55-'59 GMC's guages (score: 1)
Author: Don Kasbohm <milw8170@dmci.net>
Date: Mon, 5 Jul 1999 20:50:44 -0400
guage which transfers the light from the light bulb though it on to the face of the guage illuminating it in a green tint. What I had done is to carefully take each guage and pry the outer tin ring l
/html/oletrucks/1999-07/msg00115.html (7,653 bytes)

9. Re: [oletrucks] 235 Timing Gear and Cam (score: 1)
Author: Don Kasbohm <milw8170@dmci.net>
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 1999 17:34:40 -0400
Having recently torn into my first vintage jukebox, I would hafta say that this syndrome is very applicabe to THIS new hobby as well! Don Kasbohm '59 GMC 100V8 '54 Seeburg HF100R '54 Rock-Ola 1448 (h
/html/oletrucks/1999-07/msg00562.html (8,722 bytes)

10. Re: [oletrucks] Greetings from Wanatah, IN... (score: 1)
Author: Don Kasbohm <milw8170@dmci.net>
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 1999 17:37:27 -0400
I know of an Advance Design GMC in Marion, IN for sale. Dunno if that's out of your way or not. Don Kasbohm '59 GMC 100 V8 oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks built between 1941 and 1959
/html/oletrucks/1999-07/msg00563.html (6,690 bytes)

11. [oletrucks] Bed sides (score: 1)
Author: Don Kasbohm <milw8170@dmci.net>
Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1999 22:51:19 -0400
Can the reproduction side panels for an 8' stepside bed be cut down to work on a 7' bed? The reason I ask Is because I am 99.99% certain that there are none available in reproduction for the GMC 7' b
/html/oletrucks/1999-06/msg00148.html (6,786 bytes)

12. [oletrucks] Re: Mail System Error - Returned Mail (score: 1)
Author: Don Kasbohm <milw8170@dmci.net>
Date: Tue, 29 Jun 1999 19:59:16 -0400
Pretty heard to beat Forward Airs rates on shipping heavy, bulky items. All the guys who deal in old coin-op equipment use them all the time. Items MUST be palleted and shinkwrapped. I recently bough
/html/oletrucks/1999-06/msg00770.html (6,927 bytes)

13. RE: AAA (was Re: [oletrucks] My Not-So-Excellent Adventure) (score: 1)
Author: Don Kasbohm <milw8170@dmci.net>
Date: Mon, 5 Apr 1999 17:27:25 -0400
That seems to be the problem that we have here in Michigan as well. The best way that I found to deal with it is to forget calling the AAA hotline when you get a breakdown and just phone the nearest
/html/oletrucks/1999-04/msg00124.html (8,208 bytes)

14. [oletrucks] Interesting item on eBay web site item#97159516: 45 RPM Car (score: 1)
Author: Don Kasbohm <milw8170@dmci.net>
Date: Thu, 29 Apr 1999 20:44:10 -0400
What with all this talk about stereos and what not I stumbled onto this last night and thought I'd share it with you fellas. Wouldn't look way cool in that mint restored Cameo? I've heard of these gi
/html/oletrucks/1999-04/msg00916.html (7,759 bytes)

15. [oletrucks] How about an AD JUKEBOX? (score: 1)
Author: Don Kasbohm <milw8170@dmci.net>
Date: Sun, 7 Mar 1999 10:00:07 -0500
Been so busy lately that I barely have time to even read the stuff from the list, let alone contribute anything! Here's something that I though the AD fellas would get a kick out of. In the resturant
/html/oletrucks/1999-03/msg00304.html (8,103 bytes)

16. Re: [oletrucks] How about an AD JUKEBOX? (score: 1)
Author: Don Kasbohm <milw8170@dmci.net>
Date: Sun, 7 Mar 1999 19:24:41 -0500
If the people who run/own the place don't mind, I will shoot and scan a couple for somebodys page the next time I go over there. Don Kasbohm '59 GMC 100 V8 oletrucks is devoted to Chevy and GM trucks
/html/oletrucks/1999-03/msg00325.html (6,863 bytes)

17. Re: [oletrucks] AD trucks (score: 1)
Author: Don Kasbohm <milw8170@dmci.net>
Date: Sun, 7 Mar 1999 22:27:11 -0500
The one that I can't figure out is where did the heck did they come up with the name "Rounded Line" for the '70s era trucks?? Not very appropriate for a body style thats about as square as you can ge
/html/oletrucks/1999-03/msg00343.html (7,476 bytes)

18. Re: [oletrucks] Need Grill & surrounding parts for '40 GMC 1 (score: 1)
Author: Don Kasbohm <milw8170@dmci.net>
Date: Fri, 12 Mar 1999 09:13:04 -0500
Well, I guess those guy will NOT be doing any hauling for me in the near future! I do hope that they are footing the bill for their own incompitence, no? Don Kasbohm '59 GMC 100 V8 oletrucks is devot
/html/oletrucks/1999-03/msg00551.html (7,916 bytes)

19. Re: [oletrucks] Off Subject: October Skies (score: 1)
Author: Don Kasbohm <milw8170@dmci.net>
Date: Sat, 13 Mar 1999 10:31:03 -0500
I saw it last night, I thought it was a GREAT movie. Lots of good tunes and good ol' rides, the storyline was great too. Any railfans out there would also like the cameo appearance of steam locomotiv
/html/oletrucks/1999-03/msg00591.html (6,889 bytes)

20. Re: [oletrucks] bedwood milled rabbets (score: 1)
Author: Don Kasbohm <milw8170@dmci.net>
Date: Mon, 15 Feb 1999 18:52:16 -0500
Ok, here's yet another question on this thread. Is there a router bit available to cut these into a new board! Thanks! Don Kasbohm '59 GMC 100 V8
/html/oletrucks/1999-02/msg00400.html (7,641 bytes)

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