- 141. Re: Tow Bar (score: 1)
- Author: jtilton@vt.edu (Jay Tilton)
- Date: Sat, 27 Jan 1996 15:19:59 +0500
- Seen that done before. Should work fine. Good idea (couldn't hurt anyway), especially if you'll be dragging it more than say twenty miles. Disconnect it at the differential. Mark the flanges somehow
- /html/mgs/1996-01/msg00676.html (7,629 bytes)
- 142. Re: Wire Wheels (score: 1)
- Author: jtilton@vt.edu (Jay Tilton)
- Date: Sun, 28 Jan 1996 15:58:48 +0500
- Sounds like those are Dunlop-licensed manufactured ones from . . . India? Can't rememeber, but "Asia" is close enough. Might see how competitive British Wire Wheel's prices are. Can't be sure, but I'
- /html/mgs/1996-01/msg00686.html (8,848 bytes)
- 143. Re: trailer hitch (score: 1)
- Author: jtilton@vt.edu (Jay Tilton)
- Date: Sun, 28 Jan 1996 18:03:20 +0500
- The PO of my 77 had a trailer hitch on it, though I never saw the hitch itself. There are two pairs of holes in the metal underside of the bumper, just beyond the rubber. Kinda like this. o<-2.5"->o
- /html/mgs/1996-01/msg00687.html (7,672 bytes)
- 144. Re: winter thermostat, was: MG's and SNOW... (score: 1)
- Author: jtilton@vt.edu (Jay Tilton)
- Date: Tue, 30 Jan 1996 08:23:25 +0500
- I run a 160-degree thermostat year-round. Keeps things nicely cool in the summer. For frosty winter days, I cut the radiator airflow with the lid to a pizza box. Much easier than swapping thermostats
- /html/mgs/1996-01/msg00729.html (7,178 bytes)
- 145. MG logo for web pages (was: Springs and Hangers and things...) (score: 1)
- Author: jtilton@vt.edu (Jay Tilton)
- Date: Fri, 01 Dec 1995 14:48:01 +0500
- I've got a couple that I made myself for my own pages that I'd happily donate to anybody who wants. Drew them with a silly little CAD program, did a screen-capture, then colored them with a silly li
- /html/mgs/1995-12/msg00015.html (7,678 bytes)
- 146. Re: to the boneyard! (score: 1)
- Author: jtilton@vt.edu (Jay Tilton)
- Date: Thu, 07 Dec 1995 17:32:15 +0500
- Maybe not as blasphemous as it first appears. As I recall, older Saab's were powered by Triumph engines. Granted, not the 900, but there's still a *tiny* bit of kinship there. -- Jay Tilton / jtilto
- /html/mgs/1995-12/msg00153.html (6,997 bytes)
- 147. Re: Two-tailed trailer (score: 1)
- Author: jtilton@vt.edu (Jay Tilton)
- Date: Thu, 07 Dec 1995 17:32:21 +0500
- Everybody's missing an obvious extension of this idea. Staple the ass-ends of two MGB GT's together! Quadruple (or more) your cargo capacity. Keep a rear seat in it and you've doubled your passenger
- /html/mgs/1995-12/msg00154.html (6,914 bytes)
- 148. Re: allison electronic ignition? (score: 1)
- Author: jtilton@vt.edu (Jay Tilton)
- Date: Thu, 14 Dec 1995 10:47:02 +0500
- Well, mine's been going without a hitch in my MGB for eight years now. Not sure if the new ones are significantly different from mine, but I can't imagine they would be. How much lattitude for chang
- /html/mgs/1995-12/msg00248.html (8,029 bytes)
- 149. Re: MGD (was: TVR or TWR?) (score: 1)
- Author: jtilton@vt.edu (Jay Tilton)
- Date: Fri, 15 Dec 1995 10:55:20 +0500
- There are those who maintain that MGD was BL's alternate choice of name for the MGB GT V8. I have no documentation of any sort to prove it. It's just a "friend of a friend" type story. -- Jay Tilton
- /html/mgs/1995-12/msg00272.html (6,725 bytes)
- 150. Re: Thorpe explains shifter posts (score: 1)
- Author: jtilton@vt.edu (Jay Tilton)
- Date: Sat, 16 Dec 1995 08:15:55 +0500
- Wow. Science has a lot more in common with theology than I thought. ObMG: Those who were with us in August will remember me squawking about the shoddy construction of the Fram oil filter I hacked apa
- /html/mgs/1995-12/msg00301.html (7,283 bytes)
- 151. Re: Windshield scratches (score: 1)
- Author: jtilton@vt.edu (Jay Tilton)
- Date: Sat, 16 Dec 1995 08:16:00 +0500
- If you only want to keep a crack from getting worse, and not necessarily to completely repair it, drill small holes very neatly at the ends of the crack. Relieves and redistributes the considerable
- /html/mgs/1995-12/msg00302.html (8,050 bytes)
- 152. Re: 300 miles 70 mph 30 mpg :) (score: 1)
- Author: jtilton@vt.edu (Jay Tilton)
- Date: Wed, 20 Dec 1995 10:28:04 +0500
- My personal record in my 77 B (no name) was a little more than five gallons over 200 miles at a consistent 70 mph--an astounding ~40 mpg. And the car (no name) doesn't even have overdrive. Meanwhile,
- /html/mgs/1995-12/msg00398.html (8,567 bytes)
- 153. Alignment made simple (score: 1)
- Author: jtilton@vt.edu (Jay Tilton)
- Date: Wed, 20 Dec 1995 11:07:26 +0500
- As many of you remember, over this past summer there were a few new owners of MGB's who asked for help on putting their top down. I've seen it done any number of ways, and I've done it myself often e
- /html/mgs/1995-12/msg00400.html (8,817 bytes)
- 154. Re: Carb Question?? (score: 1)
- Author: jtilton@vt.edu (Jay Tilton)
- Date: Wed, 20 Dec 1995 16:27:45 +0500
- I doubt that would make a lot of difference . . . . . . but that would. Either Moss or TRF (can't remember) sells an HIF6 conversion kit. I'd give them a crack at that question. Interesting (and inte
- /html/mgs/1995-12/msg00417.html (7,686 bytes)
- 155. Re: Folding the Hood (score: 1)
- Author: jtilton@vt.edu (Jay Tilton)
- Date: Thu, 21 Dec 1995 17:30:26 +0500
- Aw, shucks. <Blush> As much as I'd like to take full credit, I can't. The text and pictures came directly from my manual. The only thing I contributed was the formatting (which I'm not entirely pleas
- /html/mgs/1995-12/msg00462.html (7,381 bytes)
- 156. Re: Toolbox stuff.. (score: 1)
- Author: jtilton@vt.edu (Jay Tilton)
- Date: Mon, 06 Nov 1995 09:48:07 +0500
- The shoelaces from my Converse All-Star hi-tops, which are about twenty feet long, made a dynamite manually-operated backup for when the linkage on a Nissan 280ZX windshield wiper failed. Tied one la
- /html/mgs/1995-11/msg00114.html (6,975 bytes)
- 157. Re: Coil position on MGBs (score: 1)
- Author: jtilton@vt.edu (Jay Tilton)
- Date: Mon, 06 Nov 1995 09:49:09 +0500
- Been there, done that. True, the coil's position doesn't directly affect (not "effect") its operation, but the wires are just *barely* long enough to attach to the terminals on a coil in an upright (
- /html/mgs/1995-11/msg00115.html (7,888 bytes)
- 158. Re: Frivolous thread generator (score: 1)
- Author: jtilton@vt.edu (Jay Tilton)
- Date: Thu, 16 Nov 1995 08:21:49 +0500
- No way, man. Try sitting tall in the saddle and looking down at the light's reflection in the scuttle just beyond the windshield. Even easier at night. Maybe not so easy depending on the color and c
- /html/mgs/1995-11/msg00331.html (8,943 bytes)
- 159. Re: MG with no power (score: 1)
- Author: jtilton@vt.edu (Jay Tilton)
- Date: Fri, 06 Oct 1995 14:15:16 +0600
- Sounds very much like what you get with a torn carb diaphragm on a B with the single Zenith-Stromberg carb, but your car has the dual SU's, right? Are your carb pistons working properly, i.e. rise w
- /html/mgs/1995-10/msg00135.html (7,219 bytes)
- 160. IRC Chat Channel (score: 1)
- Author: jtilton@vt.edu (Jay Tilton)
- Date: Thu, 12 Oct 1995 19:36:49 +0600
- Not a bad idea, Michael. It's been a while since I've done the IRC thing. Last time was at least a year ago when I had loads of time on my hand (simply *loved* #initgame). Seems things have changed
- /html/mgs/1995-10/msg00192.html (7,259 bytes)
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