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Alignment made simple

Subject: Alignment made simple
From: (Jay Tilton)
Date: Wed, 20 Dec 1995 11:07:26 +0500
As many of you remember, over this past summer there were a few new owners
of MGB's who asked for help on putting their top down.  I've seen it done
any number of ways, and I've done it myself often enough that it's second
nature, but communicating all the steps to a neophyte exclusively through
text proved rather difficult.  It seems to me that the best way to instruct
is through example, or at least with some visual aids.

To this end, I'm considering the possibility of a Web page devoted to this
superficially trival topic.  I found my Bentley manual (my stinky brother
had it), and scanned the appropriate figures from the Driver's Handbook
section.  Before proceeding, I thought it would be a good idea to consult
with you good people on a few points.

1.  Is there any interest in such a page?
2.  Does such a page exist somewhere already?  No sense duplicating effort.
3.  I only have information on the 1971-on Michelotti folding top.  If
anybody could provide me with figures and text from the Driver's Handbooks
for the pack-away top and the pre-71 folding top, I'd like to include them,
disk space permitting.


P.S.  I meant it when I said "good people."  In all my dealings with mailing
lists and newsgroups, this one and our neighbors on the other SOL lists have
the best combination of useful information, considerate people, and
lightheartedness.  Many thanks to Mark for devoting his time and resources
to these lists.  I regret not having any spare funds to donate to the
purchase of the new server.  (How's that going, anyway?)
Jay Tilton /  (vt = Virginia Tech  vt <> Vermont)
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