- 101. Re: I killed my cat. (score: 1)
- Author: jtilton@vt.edu (Jay Tilton)
- Date: Wed, 06 Mar 1996 16:35:31 +0500
- You're right; it is sweet. Cloying would be a better word for it. If anybody feels an overwhelming need to try it, dab a little bit on your tongue from your finger, then spit it out and thoroughly ri
- /html/mgs/1996-03/msg00189.html (8,615 bytes)
- 102. Re: Car Stereo (score: 1)
- Author: jtilton@vt.edu (Jay Tilton)
- Date: Thu, 07 Mar 1996 02:58:08 +0500
- Best way I've seen is with two easily fabricated (or probably even readily available at Pep Boys or somesuch) metal plates that secure the front of the stereo. Excuse the ugly ASCII exploded view her
- /html/mgs/1996-03/msg00207.html (9,994 bytes)
- 103. Re: Timing question (score: 1)
- Author: jtilton@vt.edu (Jay Tilton)
- Date: Sat, 09 Mar 1996 00:31:30 +0500
- Then he's a fool. Some folks swear by static timing, others by dynamic. Neither is wrong. It's all a matter of preference. The mechanic shouldn't have projected his personal preference as solid fact.
- /html/mgs/1996-03/msg00284.html (8,092 bytes)
- 104. Re: Timing question (score: 1)
- Author: jtilton@vt.edu (Jay Tilton)
- Date: Sun, 10 Mar 1996 06:06:59 +0500
- LOL!! But only because the same thing has happened to me (and others, surely) many times. Too bad the clerk didn't ask about the body style. Clerk: Body? You: Roadster. Clerk: Roaster? You: RoaDster!
- /html/mgs/1996-03/msg00302.html (8,101 bytes)
- 105. Re: engine work (score: 1)
- Author: jtilton@vt.edu (Jay Tilton)
- Date: Sun, 10 Mar 1996 07:56:32 +0500
- Having two engines sounds like the perfect opportunity to learn. Sure wish I had an extra. Yeah. Get a good shop manual and start tearing into the one you're not going to put in the car. You might fi
- /html/mgs/1996-03/msg00303.html (7,196 bytes)
- 106. Re: Fuel gadget ads... (score: 1)
- Author: jtilton@vt.edu (Jay Tilton)
- Date: Sun, 10 Mar 1996 07:56:35 +0500
- Genius!! We could do like real clubs and all chip in to buy one, and anybody who needs it for a day can sign it out! Lessee, five hundred bucks divided by four hundred people . . . . Five hundred buc
- /html/mgs/1996-03/msg00304.html (7,039 bytes)
- 107. Re: Tires for B's (score: 1)
- Author: jtilton@vt.edu (Jay Tilton)
- Date: Mon, 11 Mar 1996 13:05:55 +0500
- IMHO, the Michelin XZX is a lousy tire. In particular, they really stink in the wet. Definitely not worth $100 a pop. No kloo about availability of Dunlops or Pirelli. I haven't seen them around in a
- /html/mgs/1996-03/msg00334.html (8,001 bytes)
- 108. Re: MGB tires (score: 1)
- Author: jtilton@vt.edu (Jay Tilton)
- Date: Tue, 12 Mar 1996 12:26:18 +0500
- If your rims are at least five inches wide, go for 185/70-R14. Don't fool around trying to find 165-14 if you don't have to. Save yourself some headaches. -- Jay Tilton | jtilton@vt.edu http://fbox.v
- /html/mgs/1996-03/msg00386.html (6,836 bytes)
- 109. Re: Fuel Tank Leakage (score: 1)
- Author: jtilton@vt.edu (Jay Tilton)
- Date: Tue, 12 Mar 1996 12:26:23 +0500
- I've never had problems with that gasket, but I don't claim to represent any sort of consensus. In any event, a leak anywhere in the fuel system is certainly not normal, and should really be fixed. C
- /html/mgs/1996-03/msg00387.html (7,853 bytes)
- 110. Re: To heat or not (score: 1)
- Author: jtilton@vt.edu (Jay Tilton)
- Date: Tue, 12 Mar 1996 12:26:11 +0500
- I think you're right. I also thought the real difference between the oneand two-speeders was that the current for the first position is piped through a fatass resistor mounted inside the heater box b
- /html/mgs/1996-03/msg00388.html (7,692 bytes)
- 111. Re: Tires for B's (score: 1)
- Author: jtilton@vt.edu (Jay Tilton)
- Date: Tue, 12 Mar 1996 12:31:10 +0500
- Yi! I didn't know *any* other car used them. What sort of German autos? Might be worth comparing notes with an owner if I ever have a chance. -- Jay Tilton | jtilton@vt.edu http://fbox.vt.edu:10021/J
- /html/mgs/1996-03/msg00391.html (7,922 bytes)
- 112. Re: Trans lube/Engine oil (score: 1)
- Author: jtilton@vt.edu (Jay Tilton)
- Date: Thu, 14 Mar 1996 19:57:51 +0500
- What I've heard is that EP additives used in gear oils don't get along well with with older-style overdrives. Kinda makes sense to me, as EP additives do some chemical hocus-pocus that effectively sa
- /html/mgs/1996-03/msg00467.html (7,471 bytes)
- 113. Fool Stabilizer (was: Fuel Stabilizer Part3) (score: 1)
- Author: jtilton@vt.edu (Jay Tilton)
- Date: Fri, 15 Mar 1996 02:25:14 +0500
- I swore I wasn't going to add to this pile of shi^H^Hpam, but I can't resist. And more than our share of engineers. All we need now to complete the examination is a witch doctor. How about we make t
- /html/mgs/1996-03/msg00472.html (7,817 bytes)
- 114. Re: Fuel Stabilizer (score: 1)
- Author: jtilton@vt.edu (Jay Tilton)
- Date: Sat, 16 Mar 1996 01:27:11 +0500
- The web page says "no electro magnet." No mention of a permanent magnet. If it contains no magnet at all, shouldn't the web page explicitly say so? -- Jay Tilton | jtilton@vt.edu http://fbox.vt.edu:1
- /html/mgs/1996-03/msg00530.html (7,692 bytes)
- 115. Re: : MGB Speedometer Problem (score: 1)
- Author: jtilton@vt.edu (Jay Tilton)
- Date: Sat, 16 Mar 1996 01:41:32 +0500
- A clockwise twist (not related to John Twist) to line up the three little pegs (not related to the Three Little Pigs) is all it takes. Easier to do by grasping the unit from behind the dash. Woo! Duk
- /html/mgs/1996-03/msg00532.html (6,910 bytes)
- 116. Re: New Top Installation Questions (score: 1)
- Author: jtilton@vt.edu (Jay Tilton)
- Date: Wed, 20 Mar 1996 08:56:15 +0500
- Yep. It's up to you what method to use, or to do it at all. If I had it to do over again, I'd sew it up so it can have a little lateral slide. If glueing, you'd better get it dead-on right, cuz you w
- /html/mgs/1996-03/msg00645.html (7,574 bytes)
- 117. Re: Attaching Folding Frame to car (score: 1)
- Author: jtilton@vt.edu (Jay Tilton)
- Date: Wed, 20 Mar 1996 08:56:24 +0500
- Could the PO have kludged it together because the welded nuts that the screws attach to came off? The ones on my 77B did, and getting a wrench back behind the metal to hold a free nut is NOT fun (alm
- /html/mgs/1996-03/msg00646.html (7,742 bytes)
- 118. Re: MGB-starter?relay? (score: 1)
- Author: jtilton@vt.edu (Jay Tilton)
- Date: Wed, 20 Mar 1996 08:56:28 +0500
- It's probably the relay. It's cheap and easy enough to replace that even if the old one isn't bad, replacing it will go a long way toward diagnosing the problem as a bad ignition switch if things sti
- /html/mgs/1996-03/msg00647.html (7,429 bytes)
- 119. Re: MGB-starter?relay? (score: 1)
- Author: jtilton@vt.edu (Jay Tilton)
- Date: Thu, 21 Mar 1996 00:14:17 +0500
- Easy. Short together the brown and brown/white wires attached to the starter relay. And if you *really* want to see how easily a B can be stolen, short together the brown and white/brown wires attach
- /html/mgs/1996-03/msg00667.html (7,358 bytes)
- 120. Re: another story, no LBC content - repost- (score: 1)
- Author: jtilton@vt.edu (Jay Tilton)
- Date: Thu, 21 Mar 1996 14:25:55 +0500
- For one, it can be found in _The Big Book of Urban Legends_, published in 1994 by Paradox Press, an imprint of DC Comics. It's a comic-strip presentation of many such friend-of-a-friend and folklore-
- /html/mgs/1996-03/msg00682.html (7,603 bytes)
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