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Fool Stabilizer (was: Fuel Stabilizer Part3)

Subject: Fool Stabilizer (was: Fuel Stabilizer Part3)
From: (Jay Tilton)
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 1996 02:25:14 +0500
I swore I wasn't going to add to this pile of shi^H^Hpam, but I can't resist.

Mike Leckstein wrote
while Doubting Denise did just that

>>Okay, now we're talkin' turkey.  If 50 people on this list donated $10 
>>each to buy one of these things, would some chemist or engineer be willing 
>>to try to figure out if or how it works?  Where do I send my check?
>I'm in for $10. We have a chemist on this list.

And more than our share of engineers.  All we need now to complete the
examination is a witch doctor.

How about we make this a little more interesting?  Turn it into a little
wager pool.  Everybody who contributes toward purchasing the Wundergadget
can take a guess at what it is and it's principle of operation.  Whoever
guesses right gets to mount it on their wall.  I *suppose* it could even be
mounted on a car if you really felt like adding three pounds of deadweight.

My ten clams <plunk!> says it's a stainless steel shell with a bigass
permanent magnet inside that saturates the fuel with bogons.  (Yes, I've
been reading jargon.html again.)

Come on seven eleven!  <clacka clacka clacka>  Baby needs a new refrigerator
door magnet!

Spam spam spam spam . . .
Incredulous Jay |
Isn't that silly?  Maybe if we laugh at it it will go away.

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