- 141. RE: Interesting threads (score: 1)
- Author: "doug russell" <dr-doug@msn.com>
- Date: Thu, 20 Mar 97 22:39:10 UT
- You have a point - but I'm sure if you comb your hair a bit differently and wear a hat no one will notice (tee hee tee hee tee hee) jest the opinion of a sophomoric hick from PA Dr. Doug 69 C Rdst 69
- /html/mgs/1997-03/msg01058.html (6,970 bytes)
- 142. RE: top problems (score: 1)
- Author: "doug russell" <dr-doug@msn.com>
- Date: Sat, 22 Mar 97 04:40:03 UT
- Hair!!! Hair!!! i have found the best way,along with others i note, to keeping the back window from damage and to avoid all the other top problems (i have had only 2 B conv.,allthe rest are GT's,and
- /html/mgs/1997-03/msg01145.html (7,582 bytes)
- 143. RE: 25 year smog bill/musings (score: 1)
- Author: "doug russell" <dr-doug@msn.com>
- Date: Sat, 22 Mar 97 04:37:49 UT
- Ditto on the interest on smog legislation whether federal, my state or your As an aside, due to the population increase in my community we were given a new zip code - the old zip code put me in an ar
- /html/mgs/1997-03/msg01148.html (9,578 bytes)
- 144. RE: Master Cyl. S.S. Resleeving (score: 1)
- Author: "doug russell" <dr-doug@msn.com>
- Date: Sun, 23 Mar 97 22:35:46 UT
- What a novel item - a cliff hanger e-mail message - I can't wai for the next Or perhaps you were a little quick on the send trigger - better yet, maybe you forgot (ending a sentence with a colon will
- /html/mgs/1997-03/msg01194.html (7,010 bytes)
- 145. RE: top problems (score: 1)
- Author: "doug russell" <dr-doug@msn.com>
- Date: Tue, 25 Mar 97 18:15:30 UT
- I'm jealous. This means you have twice as much as I do!!!!!!! << Hair!!! Hair!!! >> Yep, that's exactly what I counted when I checked the mirror this morning. Rick :>)
- /html/mgs/1997-03/msg01292.html (7,180 bytes)
- 146. RE: 25 year smog bill/musings (score: 1)
- Author: "doug russell" <dr-doug@msn.com>
- Date: Wed, 26 Mar 97 03:50:45 UT
- Mark, it was Groucho Marks! Groucho MARKS???? Try Groucho Marx - for penance .. tomorrow morning shoot an elephant in your pajamas ... how you get the elephant into your pajamas is your problem. Dr.
- /html/mgs/1997-03/msg01321.html (8,545 bytes)
- 147. RE: The Shell Game (score: 1)
- Author: "doug russell" <dr-doug@msn.com>
- Date: Fri, 28 Mar 97 02:14:46 UT
- To all I see Moss and Vicky are selling new shells for $4995 plus $499 crating and $300 to $600 shipping. That's a lot of dinnero! We have restored a 72 MGB and are currently restoring a 67. We remov
- /html/mgs/1997-03/msg01433.html (7,788 bytes)
- 148. RE: 25 year smog bill/musings (score: 1)
- Author: "doug russell" <dr-doug@msn.com>
- Date: Thu, 27 Mar 97 22:25:21 UT
- Gummo -well that'll be for my midget of course - when I get one. What no Gummo? Mike Murphy '66 midget '78 B Mark, it was Groucho Marks! Groucho MARKS???? Try Groucho Marx - for penance .. tomorrow m
- /html/mgs/1997-03/msg01434.html (8,890 bytes)
- 149. RE: safety inpections - part whatever. (score: 1)
- Author: "doug russell" <dr-doug@msn.com>
- Date: Thu, 20 Feb 97 13:07:51 UT
- As the front brakes absorb most of the energy in a stop you may not notice a free wheeling - albeit, nonfunctional rear brake. Try driving in reverse and brake with conviction - does the car still st
- /html/mgs/1997-02/msg01006.html (9,822 bytes)
- 150. RE: mgs (score: 1)
- Author: "doug russell" <dr-doug@msn.com>
- Date: Fri, 21 Feb 97 00:34:24 UT
- I have a white 70 GT with factory air (no compressor - has correct factory glass for a/c car), OD and a new interior! Engine runs strong although it has been sitting for 2 years. I will part with it
- /html/mgs/1997-02/msg01022.html (8,219 bytes)
- 151. RE: Midget Steering Wheel (score: 1)
- Author: "doug russell" <dr-doug@msn.com>
- Date: Mon, 24 Feb 97 00:02:28 UT
- If you are willing to shop VB (1800-255-0088) they will probably have it. I don't know about restoration. Good Luck Dr. Doug I am restoring a 66 midget and the steering wheel is cracked. Is there a p
- /html/mgs/1997-02/msg01124.html (7,003 bytes)
- 152. RE: taut tonneaus (score: 1)
- Author: "doug russell" <dr-doug@msn.com>
- Date: Mon, 24 Feb 97 00:37:15 UT
- I've been there and have 2 perfectly good tonneaus sitting in my garage waiting for that magical tonneua growth hormone to be available. I suspect the PO used Armor All on them (see previous note) wh
- /html/mgs/1997-02/msg01125.html (8,157 bytes)
- 153. RE: reconditioning wrinkle paint (score: 1)
- Author: "doug russell" <dr-doug@msn.com>
- Date: Mon, 24 Feb 97 00:23:37 UT
- In my opinion you should forget Armor All - it has silicone oil in it which actually attracts dirt and dust. It also clogs the vinyl surface and causes dirt buildup and will interfere with the vinyl'
- /html/mgs/1997-02/msg01126.html (8,232 bytes)
- 154. RE: safety inpections - part whatever. (score: 1)
- Author: "doug russell" <dr-doug@msn.com>
- Date: Mon, 24 Feb 97 01:08:28 UT
- What state do you live in anyway? I've never heard of a brake test like this. In PA they might take a wheel off to see if there is a brake pad and rotor or they might even take it out for a spin arou
- /html/mgs/1997-02/msg01127.html (10,636 bytes)
- 155. The shrinking tonneau affair (score: 1)
- Author: "doug russell" <dr-doug@msn.com>
- Date: Tue, 25 Feb 97 15:58:15 UT
- I believe the shrinking tonneau thing was started by me when I responded to a note regarding how to get a dull dash brighter - my humble apologies for spreading such obvious untruths but here's how i
- /html/mgs/1997-02/msg01194.html (10,854 bytes)
- 156. RE: Parts Suppliers (score: 1)
- Author: "doug russell" <dr-doug@msn.com>
- Date: Thu, 27 Feb 97 14:04:46 UT
- I'll mention 2 that I've had exceptional experiences with, Sports Car Service in VT (802) 387 4540 and Bromsgrove MG Centre (UK) 011 44 527 879909. Let me caveat this by noting that I used these two
- /html/mgs/1997-02/msg01293.html (10,372 bytes)
- 157. RE: RFeibusch@aol.com: Re: wrecked 1979 Midget (score: 1)
- Author: "doug russell" <dr-doug@msn.com>
- Date: Thu, 27 Feb 97 15:12:28 UT
- Have to put a few words in here abouth insurance companies - it is related to LBCs although I'm mostly blowin' steam. In mid January, while driving home from lunch with the wife and my four kids (all
- /html/mgs/1997-02/msg01297.html (15,916 bytes)
- 158. RE: "Made in "Chaiwan!" (score: 1)
- Author: "doug russell" <dr-doug@msn.com>
- Date: Thu, 27 Feb 97 15:38:16 UT
- Let us all hope that the rest of the world does not come up (?) to US living standards. After all, we use a disproportionate amount (if not most) of the world's resources (energy, raw materials) whil
- /html/mgs/1997-02/msg01300.html (9,315 bytes)
- 159. RE: MGF Sighting in U.S. (score: 1)
- Author: "doug russell" <dr-doug@msn.com>
- Date: Thu, 27 Feb 97 15:44:53 UT
- As my six year old might say .. "Way Cool" Hello all! I was visiting a customer (GM Delphi) in Saginaw MI, yesterday. Pulled into the visitors lot to find the only open spot was next to a BRG MGF! In
- /html/mgs/1997-02/msg01302.html (7,921 bytes)
- 160. RE: New to the list and MG's (score: 1)
- Author: "doug russell" <dr-doug@msn.com>
- Date: Thu, 27 Feb 97 17:43:11 UT
- Don't know about the others on this list but I'm kind of new to it myself. For what it's worth, dig in and enjoy - don't be shy - you get out of it what you put in and so on .... Welcome Dr. Doug 69
- /html/mgs/1997-02/msg01310.html (7,134 bytes)
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